Opinions - Fuck it, let's go!

in #blog7 years ago

Growing up, I did not travel a lot, at least up to my late teenage years. The odd family trip was the only thing we did, and I was coming to realize that it was a chore I had to do, not because I wanted to, but because I had to. The odd family trip may sound like fun for most, but for me, it was not travel. The thought of going to a place, staying there for a couple of days and visiting all the tourist places the guide books mention as a "must-see" was not my idea.

I dreamed of seeing places that not many people would go to. Unseen places, waterfalls, and the roads off the beaten path. With the wanderlust gene coming into full force in the last years of my teenage, I was restless and eager to be footloose. And then, one day, I said. “Fuck it, let’s go.”


As a millennial, and like many other millennials across the world today, we've been redefining the meaning of travel. The typical holiday is out. We need long and meaningful experiences. For years, I have been trying to get my fooloose soul to travel more than ever. But things like university, jobs and the financial concerns that come with it kept getting in the way.

And then, there was the general advice that I kept getting from all quarters;

“Get a job, save enough money, make your future secure. You can travel after you retire is what any responsible person would say. But why then? Why not now? Why not travel when you feel like it, instead of waiting for the future to come. A future that is not guaranteed, and not likely to pan out the way you planned it in your head.

Does it not make sense that I focus on the here and the now, rather than putting my dreams and thoughts on hold for an uncertain then and there?

So why should I want to say Fuck it, and just go?

Waiting brings stress, tensions and unhappy thoughts. Why wait for something that I think will happen, when you can make something that you want to happen? It make no sense to wait when you can start. Of course, I do not mean that you need to drop everything and just go. I mean start. Start in that direction. Make a plan and prepare. Do your homework and plan out the finances. But keep at it. Don't stop.

Travel is often used as a break, and it helps one to re-focus, and obtain clarity in their thinking. Travelling throws you out of your comfort zone which can help you in dealing with difficult situations. It changes the way you relate to others. It makes you realize that other people are the same just as you or me. Cultural shock is a valuable experience that places you into someone else’s comfort zone and out of yours. It becomes easier to relate to different people.

Traveling is a humbling experience. The more I travel, the more I realize how little I know about the world and about life itself. Suddenly, my daily worries and complaints seem minuscule and small. It has made me learn to put things into perspective, and understand what is worth being upset or worried over, and what is better to just let go.

Travelling when young is important. Life has no guarantee. It is impossible to say when your ticket will expire, or when there will finally be the ‘right time’. Travel is not something that should be kept in a bucket list. If you are footloose, hit the road. Wander. Explore, dream and discover. Take the road less travelled, see where you end up. Take your soul everywhere, and come back.

And then, maybe you will find your purpose, and the reason you travelled in the first place.

If you liked this post, do follow and upvote. Check out some of my other posts via the links below:

Read some of my other opinion posts via the links below:

Opinions - The similarity between motorcycle racers and fighter pilots

Opinions - Going fast to slow down time

Opinions - We need to travel to develop empathy

Opinions - The importance of anchors in our lives

Opinions - Our toys have not changed. They have only gotten bigger

Opinions - Of Mortal Dreams and Motorcycles

Opinions - Of motorcycles and love stories

Of Scuba Diving and Motorcycle Racers - A slow life between fast lanes?

Photos from the Professional Motorsport World Expo in Cologne, Germany

Read some of my travel and photo blog stories via the links below:

Photos of Assen - The Cathedral of Speed

Motorcycling India

Up above the Arctic Circle - Tromso and the Northern Lights

A solo backpacking trip across the UK

Cycling 500km across Europe: Dtube

Another solo roadtrip - Pictures of the Western Ghats, meeting fellow Steemians and a blast of a ride!

A solo roadtrip across the western Ghats and meeting my favorite dog!

Exploring God’s Own Country on a Motorcycle – Dtube

500km of cycling across Europe - A photolog

Read some of the letters my bike writes on a regular basis:

Hope writes a letter - Crazy fridays and I find out I am not a car person

Hope writes a letter - Hello world! I am Hope!

Check out some of my popular posts below:

Motorcycle Stories - How I got into Motorcycle racing

A high-speed crash and life lessons

Year One of Racing in Images

Introduction Post - My introduction for Steemit

That's it for now, cheers!


Disclaimer: I originally wrote this post on my blog on The Footloose Nomad


Me gusta tu forma de ver la vida, eres un alma viajera!

The important thing about each trip is to learn, experience, know and enjoy! Be near or far is something that you have to live without letting anyone tell us.

Maravillosa perspectiva de la Vida, es importante disfrutar cada minuto de la vida como si fuese el ultimo, ser feliz haciendo lo que nos gusta y apasiona sin importar opiniones de otras personas. ¡Excelente!

Traveling gives you the opportunity to face new cultures and languages, in addition to experiencing new ways of life, making new friends, observing wonderful landscapes. It's feeling, it's being alive!

Where are you in that photo? It's very CUTE YOU REMEMBERED ME TO A PLACE IN VENEZUELA called Capanaparo, ARE MEDANOS on the banks of UN RIO, or LOS MEDANOS DE CORO that are close to the beach.