. . . and what’s crazy is that for the last few months i’ve just been waking for the nukes to fly and still nothing happened. i mean it solves a bunch of things in life right but does stop you achieving your other earthly goals while your waiting for the big one to drop.. .
. .. so it didn’t, so we go again until that day, judgement day!
life has been really freaking rad recently.
i’ve just felt way better than i’ve felt in years, all from being out in the big outdoors, walking, breaking, regular coffee runs and just being around other good souls. it really refreshes the world around me and makes me want to be a citizen in it.
It’s easy to just get sucked into the feeds and streams and constant white noise of the “systems” or the “matrix” as people like to call it. personally, now that i know that ai is out there and gradually being adopted by the average noob i expect everything to be robot written.
I mean, i could train a model on my blogs and videos and post using that with a few changes, let it be the digital voice everyday feeding the algorithm. It’s all a bit of a pseudo faux way of existing feeding the machine.
. .. and yet, there is still so much humanity out there.
from the people that side step it completely and pick up there daily coffee, weekly shop, fuel for the ride on tractor, life still goes on no matter what people use to flex their status and acquire more, some times, you don’t need more, you need a lot less to be happier.
maybe it’s the new skin routines, the extra water, the exercise. i’m not sure.
but whatever it is, it’s working out.
very thankful for every earth day.
certainly seen an energy shift of possibility. it’s weird how it happens, it feels all at once or not at all but that’s not really the case. you have to work on it behind the scenes, behind the eyeballs but not too much thinking as you’ll put yourself in a loop, sometimes it’s just work and heading in the right direction.
systems and tools are important too for the heavy lifting for when you just cannot work or focus, you get plenty of times like that in your life and your environment will dictate how much you need them.
right now, i need them a lot.
lots of transition energy.
it’s hard to spin up focus energy in and around that.
but i’m still doing it and i know that over time the more systems come online, the more strands of streams coming in, the more it equalises and balances things out the more living time i get for myself.
as long as i can keep the check lists low and the outputs high then it should cater for the day to day life i need, it might not keep up with inflation but at least it can give me a balanced life instead of having to become a slave to the systems which we don’t have any governing in.
radical self inclusion by developing human design systems that fit your daily chakra!
i’m vibing hard for that.
dunno, it’s like a light switch went off and i’m in my perfectly rendered room!
i mean, i vibe HARD for this self contained eco system.
anyway, just thoughts from this morning. i find writing really helps with my concentration levels and allows me to focus on the good stuff.
in between the energy focus waves i’m managing to hone in some of the tools i need to live faster (be in and out of the matrix quicker) and both steer myself in a better direction work wise and to open up new experiences in the process.
there is so much to live for, so much to be part of if you just give yourself the chance to throw all of your mental energy cycles in the bin and start fresh each day with the new challenges and abilities you have develop over time like a muscle memory.
change the spaces, enjoy the energy, move on, rinse and repeat.
start living like a loki. ..
humble x

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold me.dm to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoble → music video can you spot me?