ok so i guess i’m talking in third person again but. …
. .. . don’t you sometimes wake up and look around and realise how expensive your life needs to become to have the things you THINK you need on a daily basis. I’m under a constant barrage of advertising and levelling up.
for sure it’s a game you can decide to detach from obviously, you can throttle the amount of usage you want to chase after each day. i’d say most of the time i’ve got a relatively even keel on things. especially on want and need, sure there is lots i want and i’ve been lucky in life to get a bunch of things that have helped me progress in life.
i think i’m in a state of self reflection of how easy it’s been in recent years to hermit away from the world, to lock the taps of from the flow of advertising trying to convince me that i need certain things to live a certain kind of life. I got happy ignoring those things as long as my basic needs were met.
but then you start to reevaluate what “basic needs” looks like in an ever changing world. What does the daily edc (everyday carry) look like for you, has that fundamentally changed in recent years, do you still wear the same sneakers, backpack, phone, changes are you’ve been changing them out as things improve or degrade — i had a few years there where no matter what i did my shoes would be falling apart.
as i setup this morning to “work” i realised how expensive my day to day life has become and how quite simply without some bending the knee i can’t actually afford my current life. not my lifestyle but my life. I’ve got a lot of areas in my life that i know are falling short because of this and while i do my best to ignore it, they exist.
So then you chase down this game where you’re trying to flip, hustle, elevate and educate yourself to be able to access the “higher” so called tiers of life. like levelling up in a game, or trying to get the keys to the vault in fortnite in your squad. you can see people around you chasing it down as well.
but in recent weeks (months?) especially since i’ve been seeing more “time saver” tools like ai that really help us get our brains in order or reformat what we already have i’m starting to wonder what the world of working looks like in the next 3/6 months — is it really worth me learning a programming language, making assets that an AI can spit out, etc.
one thing i’m absolutely certain of in these uncertain times is that changing your space/place is paramount to making changes. being static was only useful for reflection and reevaluation. it can suffocate you in terms of making the next moves.
I’m at an interesting place at the age i’m at now, with the world experiences i’ve had. in many ways i’ve gotta forget how things were done before. because it’s all new and different. a lot of the aspects of my life/world are blending together like never before. ..
. ..and while that’s exciting from a spin up perspective, especially with money needs to make those things seamless and a reality it feels like a big energy draw. I have no doubt in my mind that money is going digital, way way faster than cards, atm’s and contactless.
It’s gonna be a shock for many to understand the fractional way of living (buying a piece of a bitcoin for instance) but i think in time, those earning bits of a token will be like the way people already use “loyalty” cards (boy are they gonna have a shock about the new overlords of that) you’ll get a slice of the action for being engaged, loyal and a regular.
i guess maintain is the wrong way to title this post but i’ve already done it now so i’m not gonna change it. It’s a case of either hustle up, tune your day to day hours into the things you want to feed your day to day meat sack. everything is in transition and is transitory, everything you have now can be gone tomorrow.
i guess it’s the backups on backups and making sure you have some coffers and irons in the fire to realise the next steps. a life automated, on freeplay, where value and economies dip and change on a dial, on a switch, where a financial extinction level event can play out at any time, especially when your a world waging pointless ego wars.
and to think this was all over a fucking iPod pro advert that sparked this brain fart!
i don’t even need them, or have a phone to power or enjoy that new h2 chip properly. I guess that’s what i’m saying, life to maintain the day to day consumption needs of a human are getting more spread apart.
remembering as a kid how much i can stretch a five pound note compared to the same money today. the world forces you through inflation to adapt and yet if the world you live in won’t afford you more money unless you play the submissive game.
are you suppressed in a job you don’t want, don’t enjoy but play the game for the money, then it adds more protection to the emotional support bubble you have created? feels like such a sell out to not do what you wanna do or say but we do this each and every day of our lives.
anyway, i’m gonna get back to some proper work now, see if i can finish these themes i’m selling and get a new template format for recording courses done, see how i can wrap that into the day to day new learning i’m doing about ai tools and how content creators can utilise them in their media construction.
you have a fucking good week ok?
humble x

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold me.dm to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoble → music video can you spot me?