Based on my conversations with @ironshield, it seems like our faiths stories are similar and they guide how we live life.
One thing I keep telling my girls is that they need to find a man who loves Jesus and is ready to lead a family. I will be telling Baby #6 (due in October) that he needs to be a man who loves Jesus and someday needs to be ready to lead a family of his own. And most importantly direct them to the author and perfector of our faith.
All of our kiddos are uniquely made - both strengths and weaknesses. It is a privilege to guide them and watch them live life as they learn.
Woohoo, a #6! You are a blessed man!
Is this the first boy?
I agree: it is a unique privilege to be given the task of helping the little people here become good men and women.
Yes, this will be our first boy.
WOW, that's going to be a big change!
Just an interesting tidbit ahead of time: changing diapers is really only tricky the first week. You will get wet on. After that, it's no longer a big deal - I don't know if he got used to being changed or what, but the horror stories of boys' diaper changes turn out to be overrated. -grin-