Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/29/18> is this an addiction? or is it just….

in #blog7 years ago

I have to admit I am finding that this steemit and the sola stuff might be an addiction. The situation I find myself in is one that previous addictions I have dealt with didn’t offer, an upside. Most addictions will drag you down and chew you up, and then if you are lucky, they spit you out. Some folks are able to make it to their knees and crawl away and after time and help they can recover.

So the question is, if the addiction has an upside is it really a problem that needs to be addressed? I don’t know the correct answer to that question, and I don’t mean politically correct answer. By correct I mean. “is it the right answer”, and I have to believe that each individual would have to answer that question for themselves.

My situation may not be an addiction, it might just be I am lacking in certain skills that create the appearance of an addiction. Heaven knows I spend a lot of time on steemit and a fair amount on sola, and I also spend time writing this daily dose blog. The blog can take anywhere from a half hour to a few a hours depending on the topic of the day and the mood I am in when I sit down to put it into words.

Speaking of words, I write this blog in Microsoft word and for those of you familiar with “word” it keeps a running log in the lower left corner with “Page : xx of xx “ I “Words”: xxxxxxx “ , this document I have been using to write the daily dose was started on 11/17/18. As of this moment I am on Page 100 and have written 65,930 words. Do any of you know how much space is available in a single “word” document?

Those of you who I have had the pleasure of communicating with in discord know that I am a very slow typist. I am the kind of typist who only has two fingers that do the work; the other eight just get in the way or watch. I might have worked for the government in a previous life from the way my fingers work, the act like a government work group you see fixing pot holes, one man working and four watching. My lack of typing skills is definitely a contributing factor in the amount of time I spend on this addiction.

The other problem I have is gambling, and that is even debatable now that I stop and think about it. In order for it to be a gamble I would have to be in a position to lose something of value. There is no way that playing Texas Hold ‘Em poker tournaments @spl is gambling, you play for free and risk nothing. There is plenty of upside potential there as well, so far just in the month of January I have won over $32 SBD, right now as I slowly type this, SBD is at $6.84 USD, that makes my earnings right at $218.88 , so we can scrap the gambling nomenclature and we’ll just say I like playing poker. Now it just classifies as a hobby.

My family still gets their time with me, whether they want it or not, so nothing is suffering on that front. Work is work and it gets my full attention from 9 to 3 Monday through Friday. I will admit that reports that I use to do in the evenings are now being done in that 9 to 3 window, but I can justify that easily as well. Work is not my life 24/7 , I need to escape in order to come back the next day refreshed, working on reports in the evenings doesn’t allow for the mind to escape the grind.

I believe I just may have been mistaken in thinking I have an addiction; I just need better typing skills and possibly a little better chip management at the poker table. I have always been taught that if you want to get better at something you need to practice. Starting tomorrow I am going to start trying to type using two fingers on each hand, that way I might be able to cut my typing time in half. Just imagine if I could learn to use all ten fingers, I might even be able to find time then to take up writing fiction stories. Believe it or not, I am a good fiction writer; the only thing that has been holding me back is my typing skills.

So, we can put the fear and the question of addiction aside for now as it relates to the old sultnpapper, working through the question has revealed the answers. Work on typing and chip management, the rest will fall into place.
Until next time,

https://sola.ai/sultnpapper https://upcoin.com/?ID=859ba2cf


Have you thought of a speech recognition program, like Dragon Speech? I use this sometimes but I find I type faster and don't confuse words as much. I learned to type when I was quite young so it has sort of stuck with me...

Never have looked at anything along those lines, might be a consideration, thanks for reminding me that technology is readily available now.

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I know a thing or two about addiction my friend and like u said at the end, u dont have much to worry about here..
I would like to tell u that i personally dont think moving to 2 fingers on each hand will hurt u more than help u. That means u will have to relearn how to type 4 more time before u learn the "real way".. my advice to u is to practice for 15 mins each day the real way! Put all ur fingers on the keyboard and go thru the abc's until u learn them, then move on to small sentences.. it will be painfully hard at first, but much like steemit u will be doing much better in a few months.. and definitely saving quite a bit of time by 6months.. just a thought from a crazy hippie 😉
Hope u have a great day!

Yes I may have to just go for it full bore and see what happens, with some practice. Thanks for dropping by always love to hear your take on things.

Well I don’t know about your addictions but you can easily cut your time in half by learning to type faster. There is a trick to it that I have used when trying to type with both hands on a laptop or keyboard..start by placing your index fingers one on F and the other on J..then stop looking for the keyboard and just type without looking anywhere else but the monitor! Surely you will make some mistakes but you will discover that your fingers will learn the keyboard keys faster then you! Hope it works!

I will work on it as you and Modern Day suggested, spell check will get a work out for sure.

This daily dose was really fun to read. Maybe because I love gambling. As I'm easily addicted, I only visit Casino's as an actual event where I've mentally prepared myself to how much I'm willing to lose for the sake of being entertained.
Pretty cool that you use one log to write in. Never considered that, thinking about it now. Thanks!

2 questions:
A) Is it an addiction or just a habit?
B) Steemit vs Sola? (If you've written about it already, I don't mind a link)

Thanks Jean, glad you enjoyed it.
Answers A.) I would say habit , since there are no harmful side effects that I have identified.
B.) Both. Steemit for meaningful things and informational posts, Sola for pictures and "tweets" or memes.
They are two different animals, steemit and sola, there are quite a few steemians doing both so you find people you know for sure, Sola actually has more registered accounts then steemit, by a couple hundred thousand accounts last i saw.
Go try it and look me up, there is a link up at the bottom of my post. See you there.

Sola looks a lot different. Think I might need to get a crash course.
But, you've got a referral incase I go all in there as well :). Not sure, because I'm waiting on Appics to get a more visual based app.

Okay, I will look for you over there as well.

Hey @sultnpapper! Wow, that's a lot of typing using the hunt and peck method! An addiction to writing on Steem and gambling with SBD... I think you're on the right track. 🤣

I knew I could count on someone being in total agreement, thanks. Have you ever seen the movie "Right on Track"? It was a made for Disney Channel movie that was made about some friends of mine when the were teenagers.

No, I've never seen it. Pretty cool that your friends were able to collaborate on a project like that as kids.

Too much of anything, is.. too much, is... unhealthy. Without balance, sooner or later we miss on other things. Even if we find a good reasoning, it's just a different kind of addiction...

And I guess the question then becomes how much is too much, and the dictionary uses the term "harmful" in describing addiction. I don't see the harm in learning new things, meeting new people, and earning. It could be the things I might end up missing out on might be worse for me, I'll just have to keep an eye on it and see.

Hello @sultnpaper! Its such a pleasure to get to know you through @thesteemengine channel. :)

I can use all my fingers typing and this wasn't done over night. I used to do typing games like typing shark when I was a kid so I can type quickly.
Instead of playing games on the computer I do the typing test and games.

Typing can be learned. You will get by.

As far as addiction, anything in excess is bad as they all say, even if it's more productive to do so.

I over exert myself at times and I feel you. steemit can be a healthy and not so healthy addiction.

I wish you the best. :)Hope to see more of you and get to drop by your posts.

A pleasure to meet you as well. I post one daily dose a day , so I'm not hard to find. I haven't seen you around on thesteemengine, did you recently join? I will look forward to reading your posts as well. Thanks for dropping in and saying hello.

YOu're very welcome. I see I post once a day as well. :) THen I don't participate on the chat and never dropped by. ^^

I'm spending also much time on steemit. It is important to keep things balanced, I'm trying :).

Balance is probably key, but with balance everything in life would stay neutral or level. What if these types of platforms are actually the keys to true freedom and I decided to cut back on using it in order to keep myself in the system of slavery that we call freedom?

I am not sure if word had a limit but I have seen huge documents in word format so I think your safe for a while

As for the Steemit addiction and is it bad I think if it is not taking over and disrupting other important areas of your life then it is not a bad thing

Thanks on the word doc information. The key to every definition of addiction is the word harmful. So even a little disruption in other areas might actually be a good thing, it might stimulate creative ideas on how to accomplish those things better and faster. But I do agree with you and your thinking on this for the most part.

I was curious and looked up one document at work that I was thinking of it it was 2426 Pages long
And the official Microsoft word seems to state the file size is 32MB, so that should allow you a bit of growth :)

Yes Disruption can be a good thing some of the Le advances in technology over the years could be viewed as disruptive advances

Yea, I think I have some room left on the document for sure. That document you looked up was the equivalent of a good novel in size.
Cypto currency would be a prime example of a disruptive advancement, and I believe 99.9% of us on here would agree to that.

Exactly, I dont there is anyone on here who doesnt to some degree have an interest in crypto currencies LOL

I enjoyed your post Sult. I don't think word documents have a limit, it just depends on your computer's ability to cope with the size of the file. Maybe start a new one every year?

A habit with a payoff, I agree. Social media in general tends to be addictive. Constantly refreshing your feed to see whats new. Steemit is so big that it really can swallow up huge chunks of time. But if you're doing it right then you're making money at least. There are some who have made running a profile on Instagram their main source of income. I try to constantly improve and learn about all these things.

I find myself feeling drained though. There are just some days that you don't want to be the dancing monkey trying to get likes.

I must go see what's happening on my Sola again as well. So many of these apps around its hard to keep up. And Appics needs to get going and release their app now.

All the best with your typing quest!

Hey Lizelle, yes that is what another person was saying also on the word document one from his work was over 2,500 pages. I think I will close this one up and start a new one, It's a new month so might just be a good day for that. I don't know about all the other social media choices, I don't snap chat. tweet, or instagram. but I didn't realize that instagram would make you money, I know that you tubers can make money but it is a tough row to hoe , and they censor so much people are looking for alternative options.
I don't see me going to any more places, these two are enough for this old man. Don't know what Appic is so I may to look that up.
Thanks on the typing, I might look into the voice recognition programs as one person mentioned. That might be a whole lot easier and faster than this old dog learning a new trick.
Thanks for dropping in I'll look for you over on sola, take care and keep an eye on your health.

I was so tired today and then I realized I had moved about 120 liters of water around today, 5l at a time!
I'm trying to be better about taking care of myself. :)

As far as Instagram goes, as soon as you have over a million followers you become known as an Influencer and then you can get sponsorships. It's a fascinating world that I don't fully understand. Only Steemit and its blockchain friends actually pay you out for your everyday average person kind of posts.
Appics is supposed to be like Instagram built on steem where you can upload videos and livestream from your phone, as well as using it as a wallet. They're only at ICO stage now in March but their pre-sale tokens sold out in 20 minutes in December.

Very good post mr Papper, I like how your fingers watch the lone finger on each hand type :) You'd better learn to use the other fingers too or you'll end up with two arthritic fingers! I'm also a two finger typist but had to speed type with them, my job entailed capturing geographical data plus working with maps and everything was digital.
I wrote a post about my Steemit addiction a couple of months ago when steemit went down, I nearly freaked out and so did many others at the time. So I admitted back then to having a steemit addiction as did some friends but we all agreed it's a good addiction!
Probably a good thing our little bnb keeps me busy during the day or else I'd be glued to my cellphone or laptop screen, hardly ever watch tv these days! And I still feel I need more time, not enough hours in the day!
Hubby came to me just yesterday and asked me very how I was keeping. I was quite perplexed, I mean, we are together most of the time now we're both retired. So I asked him why he wanted to know and he said 'because I hardly see you these days' I felt so bad, had I been neglecting him?
You see, my eyes are glued to steemit every spare moment I have, there's lots of stuff going on here so I'd better stay away from Sola, tried to get hubby to join Sola to no avail, he has a steemit account but it's dormant.
I think it's a fine balancing act though, dividing our attention fairly, will have to work on it.
Enjoyed this post @sultnpapper :):)

Thanks Lizelle. I don't see learning and earning as a problem , it is what we are taught to do. It just seems like when you find something that you enjoy doing people want to label it an "addiction". To bad your husband isn't active on here, then you could type messages back and forth on your posts and he would know how your doing.

Very true mr Papper!
Remember I said I would one day write about my four brothers, I just did now, thoroughly enjoyed the memories, think you will have a chuckle or two, not that I want to spam your post? So we continue blogging as it is nice sharing things that matter to us and finding kindred spirits of all ages across the oceans :)

I will be sure and read about them, thanks for the heads up.

Sorry to put you in the shade for a change Sulty - I think I am at two and a half fingers by now. But the down side is it seems the typos go up exponentially the more fingers one ads, so is it really worth while? Fingers that blur over the keyboard with reams of perfect words and sentences and paragraphs appearing on the screen confirms my suspicion that half of the population are really aliens, which also explains why one can never really fathom them.

Blessings friend..especially for standing strong against those enchanting creatures we have to share this planet with!

yes, I might be inclined to agree with you if I had any idea what the hell it is you just told me, but I'll take your blessing and conversation any time so stop back often.

They even dress differently from us..wear makeup and perfumes and stuff to seduce us the victim race into serving them till death do us part...!

We may get some dandy side benefits like grand children out of the deal, once caught in that trap, but slaves we end up being for sure!

Thanks for the considerate invite - and my most sincere sympathy...