Right Mood to Write

in #blog2 years ago

Blogging is a very creative workspace. It not only requires thinking and jotting your points but also being able to connect dots to various things you know and experiences you have had in your past. And hence comes the importance of mood.

The right mood and frame of mind are key to a good blog, according to me. I can't write if my mind is clogged by things, could be personal or professional. For me, writing is an art. It's not only about words and vocabulary, it's about letting out your emotions in your piece. A good blog doesn't only speak about itself, it also speaks a lot about the writer. It expresses the writer's intentions and thoughts. A write-up is not complete unless it really makes you feel it.

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Personally, I can't write if I am not in a mood. Yesterday, I opened and editor page almost 10 times and started to right something but was not able to write more than a few words. I gave it many shots but ultimately switched off my laptop and thought about taking a break. There are a lof of things occupying my mind right now and hence I am not able to give my creative best to my blogs. But then, today I thought of writing about what I am really going through. I have mixed emotions about a lot of things right now, both personal and professional. There are some differences of opinion I'm having with my husband which has kind of disturbed our regular conversations. I am not finding my job challenging and interesting enough which is not giving a pleasure of work and hence I don't have a stable mindset to write.

But I am hoping that I have well expressed my feeling here. I kind of feel better now. It's good to share and let your heart out at times, without saying too much. Which is what I just did. Nobody can help me here, I know. But sometimes all you need is a good listener, not too many opinions or words of wisdom. It helps you realize where you are, it makes you hear yourself, and then you have a clarity of thoughts because you've only laid them out.

So if you are not in the mood to write about something, write about your true feelings. Try to express what you feel in your blog and it really helps. It brings you back from that vicious circle of feeling bad and low and depressed at all times. Like it just happened for me.

To anyone and everyone who reads this, you aided me in a way, so thank you so much :)