There is nothing more painful than to confide a secret to a person and that person then disclose the secret. Especially when they are people who trust each other, where you know that you can tell, years of relationships and friendships and for whatever reason you told it to another person that not always the third party has a good relationship or knows how to keep something that that person did.
It is very bad taste, that another person tells you something that you had told in secret and that you had entrusted to only one person, from that moment you do not know what to do, well maybe yes, do not trust that person anymore, but what about everything you have told him? You know that everything or a part of it will be in doubt, surely someone else knows it.
The other thing is that you ask him/her if he/she has not told anyone anything and they say no, but you clearly know that he/she has, this proves the person's honesty and you know that he/she has failed you on many occasions. One learns two things, not to trust anyone and to keep quiet about things, unfortunately for one person one doubts others, especially when they were trustworthy.
No hay nada más doloroso que le confíes un secreto a una persona y esa persona le dé por revelar el secreto. Sobre todo, cuando son personas que se confían, donde uno sabe que se puede contar, años de relaciones y amistades y por cualquier cosa le dio por contárselo a otra persona que no siempre el tercero tiene buena relación o sabe guardar algo que esa persona si lo hizo.
Es de muy mal gusto, que otra persona te cuente algo que tu habías contado en secreto y que se lo habías confiado a una sola persona, desde ese momento ya no sabes que hacer, bueno quizás sí, no confiarle más a esa persona, pero y todo lo que le has contado ¿qué? Sabes que todo o una parte estará en duda, seguramente alguien más lo sepa.
Lo otro es que le preguntas si no le ha comentado nada a nadie y te dicen que no, pero tu claramente sabes que sí, ahí prueba la honestidad de la persona y sabes que te ha fallado en muchas ocasiones. Uno aprende dos cosas, a no confiar en nadie y a callarte las cosas, lamentablemente por una persona uno duda de los demás, más cuando eran de confianza.
I have faced such an incident in my life. When you tell your secrets to someone and they discloses it, it feels like the most heartbreaking thing ever.