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RE: Our Child Is Being Put On The Child Protection Services List Because We Refuse To Send Her To School....What is Freedom...Are We Free?

in #blog8 years ago

On the issue of forced education (ie going to school) surely this is much better than the 18th century where children went to work hard labour instead of getting an education. On the issue of the original post, I am unaware if this family demonstrated that they have the plans and ability to provide the required home education, if this was demonstrated then I am very disturbed because I agree that if a family have the time and resources to home educate than this should be allowed. As far as I am aware you can be home educated in the UK but you have to prove that you have the resources and ability to provide a good standard of education and I think that is fair and correct.


OK, just Googled home education international status and it is illegal in Sweden since 2010, this is very sad as there are a small number of families that would be in a position to provide excellent home education probably much better than the state could. Seems only option is to leave the country and move to one that is more open to such ideas. By the way when I say a small number I don't mean only a small number would be capable but it takes a lot of time and effort and not all people are in a position to do it.

Actually, I'm of the opinion that it is much worse than children simply working. Much of the child labor "sweat shop" concept is fabricated by the media.

Most children about 100 years ago simply worked for their parents - improving the family business or starting their own if they wanted to. They weren't all mining coal and being lashed by barbarians :)

Going to government schools is purely for indoctrination purposes at this point. Kids get out of high school or even college and suddenly realize they have very few real-world skills to fall back on.

No es bueno.

A state school provides you with a certain level of education not necessarily 'life skills' all though they do provide some of that to a degree, parents still play a part in children's education. Not sure what indoctrination is going on, there aren't many parents who can provide the resources a school can. This debate was whether some parents can provide a home based education and some certainly can provide that, many cannot.

I think life in general let a alone education is a million times better than a hundred years ago, though that view point may well depend on your status, obviously being rich would negate a lot of the problems of 100 years ago.

You only need to look at third world countries to see how hard life is for children and the work that they are forced to do, anyone who lives in a country with a state education should be very very thankful they don't have to live a life like that.

As far as the indoctrination topic goes, it's broad and worth looking into if you're interested.

In particular, it may be of interest just how the schooling system most of the world uses actually came into existence and what methods it employs to condition children's minds from a young age (like Pavlovian bells, etc.).

School teaches reading, writing, math and the scientific method... Then things get weird and children are forced to attend 12 years of it, minimum.

Life has not become much better than it was 100 years ago, though I'm interested to know why you feel it has.

I live in what you'd consider a third world country and have traveled to multiple others quite a bit. Life is clearly not what you're envisioning. :)