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RE: Rothschild Zionism.....

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

I still stand by my upraisal of his blog post, for in my eyes, we need to look to each other for a greater understanding, not to the same “sources” of information. I felt it was brilliantly written piece and not at all did I imply it was then all a fallacy for he did not properly place his blame on the jews. I understand his whole point was to place it on zionists and the rothschild elk, but I do feel one cannot solely place blame here, there subserviant jewish kin are the groundwork that they stand atop of.
My point I was making was in my own personal experience with religious types and the depths of their brainwashing, is that as much as these people cannot help the life they were born into, but there cognitive dissonance on the matter is set in stone. Zionism was begotten by judaism and to fight so fervently against placing part of the blame on the jews was merely an argument that come of his hard headed nature to not see from anothers perspective. Not the be all and end all point I was making.
You are now incorrectly assuming I am placing blame on everyone and everything. This is not at all what I stated nor do I implore an all or nothing standing. But yes, let us explore the iraqi war -
Agreed, it would be utter stupidity to place the blame on the sleeping servants called civilians in america, and thats not what I am advocating, but the wholey sole reason for the american occupation of the middle east is because of the jews, there hatred for muslims and the jewish state of israels ever growing want for utter domination. For they were the agresors in this scenario. They want to regain control of Russia like they had during the Bolshevik revoution. To do so they need to destabilise the middle east and clear a path through the middle east, through syria and to Russia. The key people back then were zionist jews, that through corrupt organisations like AIPAC and the CFR drove the american leaders to occupy the territory for only the betterment of jewish personal interests. Such as oil.
You are now commiting the sin you blame me for commiting, you state that slavery was in the interests of a small percentage of “white” americans. Did you know blacks owned slaves too, did you know of the small percentage of whites who owned slaves majority were Jewish? Why should the whites constantly be blamed for something they barely had anything to do with?
It is not an idea that they are “clannish”. By no means are they the only ones too, but they are the only ones who can fall back on somehing like “the holocaust” to justify their behaviour but then turn around and scrutinise anyone who does what they are doing. The communist liberal left attack daily the conservative rights want for stability and consistancy with a countrys inhabitants and who we allow in or out. But the jews can live in a society like it is in israel and demand what the right want in america, yet the jews of america are and have statistically been self serving communist leftists. Ask yourself why, why would they want their own state to be protected by walls and consevative aspirations yet every other western society to be the exact opposite with open boarders and to champion the minorities rights like trans rights and shit? And I know this can come across still as “now dont blame all the jews just the zionist ones in charge”
But the issue I have is as I stated, that the brainwashed subserviant jewish populace that only further segregates itself and fervently believes they are the chosen people, are merely also to blame ... you cannot yell at the tail for wagging the dog, when the dog is there clearly wagging its tail.
I dont fully understand what you are saying here, I did answer some parts above, but I do not understand what you are getting at. I may have worded it a little heavy handidly bu stating adding the facts if thats what I said but, I do mean I was merely adding my personal experience with programmed religious zealots and the extents of which they are willing. And to not so hastily forget the humble begginings of zionism and the state of israel.

And finally and again, I agree, I agree there are 13 main families that steer history to where we are today. I am not solely blaming the jews as you have all accused me of, I am merely adding to your beliefs to not forget that the jews started this. That the jews are behind the driving force of this and that religious programming and indoctrination into a belief system that systemically puts you against the rest of the world is an issue. And this standpoint does not make me a catholic sympathiser or a muslim sympathiser. I hold great disdain towards all religions as they are all merely systems of control.