Not really anything to do with luck they are generally not very welcoming to anyone not of their tribe
segregation of what
You dont seem very smart when you make such blatantly stupid comments like this, segregation of them and us, Israel is an overtly conservative right leaning state, with a border wall to boot and the genocidal killing of the palestinians sure did bolster the great divide in a river of innocent blood. But whatever, keep defending them it makes you look holier than thou
if you believe that, you are adding to the problem
I utterly disagree and claim that to be so naive and to defend judaism like you are doing and to blame some sub-sect of them is a pathetic attempt to shift the blame. You may as well run away with David Icke and start wailing on about reptillian moon men. Or run away with Benjamin Fulford and claim the jews are the victims of all of this. They are all brainwashed, Judaism is a cult that segregates its members from the rest of us, teaches them to hate anyone who isnt one of them and to only marry jewish women. Even if they do not practice their faith as an individual they pressure each other to never water down their blood. I will upload an image to help my argument;
thats called established religions ... of any kind
Ok, but why then are you incapable of applying this logic unto Judaism? I couldnt agree more and the real issue is the underestimation of stupid people in large numbers, multiplied by the number of years they have been practicing their rituals and segregation. Well Judaism in my eyes takes the cake. They are so far down the line of inbreeding and of in house education to think they couldnt be as far reaching as they are is stupidity.
but you expressed the same bigotry towards Judaism
Ahh, right so they as the victims of this world, can forever display attrocious hatred to any who are in their way, on their land or not of their blood but dont you dare express such vile back towards them or all of your sentiments are null and void. Of course Im so so so sorry to be a passionate human being fed up with the facts of the matter and to be so annoyed at the correct party who deserves to be blamed. Yes how dare I ...
you must have had a very sheltered life then
your first ad hominem, you must try harder.
now every jewish person is a “they”?
I am talking about jews, to refer back to the subject at hand one can use the broader term of “they” to save constantly referencing back to “them”. You know, the english language.
zionism is political lobby that play the ‘racist’ card
Your last two points make little to no sense,
I am not saying zionism plain and simple isnt real, Im not saying there aren’t zionists out there that arent jews, Im saying more often than not due to the repitious programming of religious doctrine, more jews than not are zionists by definition, more often than not the jews agree with zionist sentiments. It has nothing to do with zionists playing a race card. You need to think more before making long winded point by point fragmentation replies of my comments just to try to destroy my opinion. As clearly you lost your train of thought and now just trying to throw as much shit and hoping it sticks, instead you are just coming off kind of dim witted.
... and there are lots of zionists that are not jews (david cameron - the ex prime minister for uk for example)
Congratulations another fragment bereft of logic and sense. I agree with this sentiment but cmon, you can only give one pathetic example to back up your poor attempt to break my comment down. Try harder, please.
I disagree totally with this premise.-do you have links to support this? Evidence?
You sound a bit confused and scared, mate.
First off, Im not your mate.
Secondly, you are allowed to disagree, congratulations welcome to real life! You can get offended, upset, annoyed, I really dont care for. I just think a whole article pointed at the angle of “dont blame the jews” “blame zionism” is naive and stupid. But thats my right, to have an opinion too. How fun is life!
And thirdly, Im not scared, Im not confused, I am just too cautious to ever want to underestimate a religious body like Judaism. And frankly your being ridiculously naive in thinking that a religious indoctrination of millions of lives over thousands of years should be never scrutinised just because, it is literally the definition of stupidity. But go ahead, thats your prerogative to be however you want.
And of course the burden of proof, god you nearly got em all! I actually did, for all of my reasoning is perfectly layed out in the fantastic book “culture of critique” by kevin macdonald. Do yourself a favour, instead of being an armchair critic of anything that doesnt make sense to you, spend some time educating yourself with literature and read a book. Hell read several! It may help you in more ways than one!
You're funny.
You are conflating the power of 13 million people to world domination, and not assigning it to the financial powers of a few hundred people and their families...
( a large proportion are Jewish, but are no more connected to the other 12.9999 million Jews than the rest of us.)
The majority of Jewish people are being used in this international chess game. (far more than non Jewish people.)
Your hostility towards 12.9999 milion people is exactly what the zionists want.
Well done, you.
(that tugging sensation in your septum is the invisible rope you are being led with)
It's good to talk.
Well thats a pathetic overstatement of what I am inferring.
So its wrong of me to say “judaism is fuel to the fire of zionism” and to blame 12 million jews for sympathising at the very leat with zionism, a mindset they created, but its ok for you to pin it ALL on the 13 zionist families and their subsidiaries. I am saying dont underestimate them, I am saying they are part and parcel contributing to the problem. You even personally said most of those members are jews or have jewish background, so you just helping my argument with that statement.
And I feel your inability to see the jews as the problem they are as much as the zionists are is exactly what the zionists want.
Yes these magical people suddenly rose to power through no deceptive means through any large religious body, they just popped into existence. You dont seem to grasp the definition and belief of zionism very well for someone with so much opion on the matter.
I follow the beat of my own drum, I havent been led for a long time and as far as I care, Voltaire had it spot on with his method of determination, with who you can and cannot be skeptical or critical of equates to who is the driving force.
If you are naive enough to think a small handful of people is all it takes to run the world then you are very wrong. If it takes a village to raise a child it takes a state to run the world. And the religious state of israel and all of its inhabitants are contributing to say the least.
Sadly it was not as enjoyble a discussion for me as it seems to be for you, I agreed with you, congratulated your post and gave my opinion only to have you rudely break down my opinion to make me look like an idiot. When I merely agreed with you and gave the opinion of dont hastily offer redemption to a group of people who are directly behind a lot of the suffering of society today. But thats ok, you are the control freak that couldnt handle someone else having passion on the same subject but differing slightly at the end.
Sarcasm like that sign off is not very becomming of you. Infact it has a stench of desperation to it. Much like your whimsical theory of “a few hundred people and their families” run the world.
I note your conspicuous use of the Rules for Forum Spies.
All your comments are textbook examples of misdirection, straw man arguments, putting words in other's mouths, and generally being disingenuous.
Is this a paying job, or are you really so incompetent to make substantive arguments that you must rely on shill tactics?
You should be prepared. I've just read a post from @libertyacademy requesting examples of exactly this, and I'm going to link this conversation to him.
You're going to so enjoy demonstrating your skills, whether professional or amateur! This should be right up your alley.
I'm happy for you =)