Just Write

in #blog7 years ago

Why do you write your blog?

My hope is that it's not to just tell the parts of your life that make you look good. And, not just a place to post sad poems and wallow in your own nearsighted misery. But, a place to reflect and record all of you and all of your life. Your thoughts and dreams. Your hopes and disappointments. The highs, the lows and even the mid level blahs. I encourage each of you reading this post to write and post more often, and to let go of the "blog facade" that you think you have created and must maintain.


It's funny...even if we exclude our real life names and post with anonymity the brain starts to attach to the character our blog builds. Ever notice yourself thinking, "Although I feel depressed today, I can't write about being unhappy, because I'm known as the recipe blogger, travel girl, crypto expert...” (or whatever, just fill in your own blank). Or, "I can't write about being unsure of myself, because I'm known as the positivity guru!"


You may be the travel girl or the positivity guru, but you are human first, right?

So just write! 😀 Write about your day. Write about your struggles. Write about your joys. Just record it all and put it out there. I guarantee other people can relate to what you share 👉🏽 if it’s genuine. Chances are your blog will be more interesting, or at the least more real.


The difficult part for me is finding my "voice". I enjoy writing, but opening up, even to myself, is not an easy thing. I'm trying to get into a habit of writing every day or so. Some days I might succeed and some days I may not. Thank you for this.

You are so right!
There best thing you can do for yourself and other is to be transparent. It is hard to be venerable because to worry of being judged.

The people that are the most transparent allow for others to connect and relate.
There have been a few people on Steemit that are super transparent and I greatly respect them for that.

I like to mix it up with health, fitness, cryptos, philosophy and even Art. The same old same old is just the same old.

We should never get locked into anything, freedom is the best medicine.

Great advice @steemed-open I'll keep it in mind, I've been thinking about posting more often too and this seems like a good concept to keep with it. I like the way you write too. Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work.

Thank you so very much. Welcome to Steemit. Your pictures are phenomenal.