I had a job interview two days ago so the message went, I had put in maybe ten applications the week before through job apps, and through company websites. So I put on my finest button down shirt with black and white stripes, some dress pants, and some black dockers, which are my finest Sunday Shoes. When I get there I start to realize somethings amiss, there are tents, and when I arrive inside no less than 40 minorities are crammed into a small room listening to other minorities tell them how far over they are going to bend for the corporation to F them right in the butthole. The usual long hours, holidays, weekends working slaving away in a hot factory just to pay the rent. I had heard enough and promptly left before wasting too much more of my valuable time.
Whats a guy to do? I was so distraught...so angry at being summoned in for an interview, and here it was all along an open house.. a pre-interview . Well, I came straight back to my shangrila shed, then proceeded to strip down to my underwear, and smoke my troubles away while playing deathstalkers 2 for a solid day and a half.
I was wearing my godamned Sunday shoes! There was one interesting takeaway, I have spotted a titty bar four miles from my shed. Maybe if I decide to start drinking again I'll check that spot out. I have another interview tomorrow before scooping up my kid for the weekend, hopefully that one pans out.
Another day, another interview at a corporate owned, parasitic company looking to extract their pound of flesh from anyone unlucky enough to get hired.
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