The core was lost in the ocean. The cost of the reusable rocket is 90 million, significant reduction from the past. Can you imagine leaving behind a legacy of having your personal Tesla orbiting for a billion years? Before tucking my son to bed, I told him that in the time he finished his final class, played with his friends, and started him homework, Elon Musk’s SpaceX sent the most powerful rocket ever into space. If you can dream it, it can happen.
Space can only be be conquered with money and resources both of which are precious. Satellites get put into space, because the companies earn money from their use. Elon doesn’t care if he makes money. That is the only reason space exploration is moving forward.
The core was lost in the ocean. The cost of the reusable rocket is 90 million, significant reduction from the past. Can you imagine leaving behind a legacy of having your personal Tesla orbiting for a billion years? Before tucking my son to bed, I told him that in the time he finished his final class, played with his friends, and started him homework, Elon Musk’s SpaceX sent the most powerful rocket ever into space. If you can dream it, it can happen.
Center core was lost though, but still a great launch !!
Kind of pricy to loose a reusable rocket, but mission accomplished!
My question is, what happened to the rocket? i've heard some ppl say it exploded...
Looks like it missed the landing.
Damn... so much money lost, now to wait for the reason it missed the landing... maybe it didn't have enough fuel, or something broke...
What do you think about this lunch? Are we really one step closer to space conquer?
Space can only be be conquered with money and resources both of which are precious. Satellites get put into space, because the companies earn money from their use. Elon doesn’t care if he makes money. That is the only reason space exploration is moving forward.