So we are approaching the Mayweather Vrs Mcgregor fight. who will win?
here are a couple of my thoughts.
After the Pacquiao fight, I said I will never get interested in a Floyd fight again. Just my opinion Floyd's fighting style is more strategic, I don't think he is really concerned about knocking his opponent out. He more so fights to get points, which is fine because it works. I mean if i could be in Floyd's shoes, i would do the same. I think his fighting style just doesn't work well for entertainment purposes.
So when I heard Floyd was setting up for another fight, I was not interested at all. As the days go by, I hear more and more about this match. I have now been caught up in the hoopla of the fight. maybe Floyd might get beat?
I think it's all hype to make money, I don't think Mcgregor will win. I think it was a smart move on Floyd and the promoters to put a UFC fighter in the ring, because it does peek interest. If Floyd was fight a regular boxer, I wouldn't be even writing this post. My final prediction is Floyd will win and the same exact pacquiao senecio will play out. The Pacquiao fight led everybody to expect a blood fest fight, but just like the Pacquiao fight Floyd will dance and dodge and beat Mcgregor with points.
but you never know 1 punch could change the outcome .
What's are your thoughts on this big match coming up???
I believe that McGregor will win. And this is why..
I personally think Floyd is a marketing genius! It's all about the money for him! Everything else is noise...