He was doing good in his life. He was happy with his job. Suddenly one day he lost the job (Project was ended by client).
Now he was looking new job in market. He was confident enough, that sooner He will get a good job. But he was wrong, After 5 months struggle he was still jobless.
Finally he decided to think all possible reasons that were stopping him achieve his goal.
He discovered few amazing life lessons, that he want to share with you via my Blog :
Learning should never..never stopped whether you are jobless or in job. Once you stopped it, you become outdated very soon.
Job search should be planned, you should have crystal clear vision (what you are looking for, what all possible ways are & what you have to do).
Technical knowledge is demanded as per job, but soft skills play judgemental role in every case.
A great resume is true picture of you, but always remember.. your words & behavior in front of recruiter is video one.
If you don't know something..its ok !!Accept it. It is better than giving them foolish explanations.
What is your experience??
You can leave any additional point in comment section.
Cool and I agree with your friend. I would add good social skills and the power to adapt to every new situation.