Why everyone (but especially artists) should quit FB&co and move to Steemit / My 1 month on Steemit celebration & conclusions

in #blog7 years ago

This post is probably more directed to those who are still not on Steemit, I hope that by sharing it on FB, it will help bringing more friends over from the dark side.

If you're still not on Steemit, but you've heard about it from people around you, it probably sounded much like a cult. I admit, it sounded like that to me as well before I joined :D Those sweet words, trying to convince you on the existance of the "promised land", where you make money out of thin air and everybody are happy and loving.
Yes, it sounds suspicious indeed. Especially to a sworn cynic like myself ;D
I was very sceptical and so it took my dear friend @bella-volen-art much convincing to get me to try this platform. And I'm so happy that she did!

Here are a few facts and basic things to know about it:

  • You get money for likes. Yes, real money. For each like. It really is possible outside of Zucki's greedy advertisement mind-control world!
  • You, and only you, own your content. The platform itself can never use it. It belongs to you alone. Oh and they also don't spy on you and don't eavesdrop on your conversations.
  • Steemit will not block your profile or clean up all of your history & followers just because it feels like it/ you didn't buy ads from it/ you said something against it/ you uploaded a painted nipple/ or any other reason for that matter. Your content stays on the blockchain forever.
  • You actually see everyone you follow on your feed and make actual interactions with them. It's not only the 5 friends FB decided for you to see. And not aimlessly liking any random shitpost on your wall. Here you see everyone and write minningful comments to them (oh yeah, those can make you money too!).
  • Steemit is built in a way that forces you to be social. As of that, people are helping eachother, promoting eachother, teaching eachother, inspiring eachother and learning from eachother. It's a REAL community.
  • Oh, and did I mention that you get money? Not only you're not being shoved with constant advertisements, but you are the one being rewarded for uploading your valuable content. Finally!

And this is why I wrote "especially artists" in my headline-

The last few years have been extremely tough for artists, in many different fields. Prices have sunked to near zero, clients not really willing to pay and so many artists who want the world to see their work are willing to publish it for free, or even worse- by paying the platforms / magazines!
As freelancers, it is anyway tough to survive, bills are usually higher and not always you manage to score enough jobs that would help you finish the month, not to talk about chasing clients for your payments, which happens so often...
The Steemit comunity values good content. It values art. It helps artists, both by rewarding them and by building up their confidence.
Since I am here, I've found such incredible support, that had totally overwhelmed me. I'm feeling appreciated & valude.
In this 1 short month that I'm here, Steemit inspired me to create more, to try different things, to share my art without hesitation. It helped me raise money for my favourite charity (which hopefully soon will have a steemit account of it's own) and helped me focus on my art, without having the usual financial worries.

I am grateful to Steemit for showing me that the world could be a better place, that better societies could be built. It kinda gave me a bit of hope for humanity.

And here is the place to thank those who are supporting me from day one here, their support means so much to me, as my wonderful Steemit experience would not have been the same without them: @mammasitta & @zeroooc of #team-austria & @techslut of team #israsteem . Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart! Sending you all big giant warm virtual hugs (though Austrians, I will get to hug you for real tomorrow! Can't wait for my first meetup ^_^).

And in the spirit of the Steemit community, now it's my turn to give back and that's why I posted my first Givaway yesterday (go check it out :) ).

I love the Steemit world & I hope that this post will help enrich the community with more amazing talents. I am willing to help with all of the newbie questions to the best of my knowledge! :D

Here is for the coming wonderful Steemit future,
Thank you for reading!

Happily yours,


Formation, 2016, by Shlomit Schatzmayr

This image was originally published in the Floodland issue of the art magazine Abridged and will also be included in my upcoming book "DreamLand". I found it most fitting to this post, as it is dealing with the forming of a new world.


    Let me add my welcome to steemit among all the others. I have been here just about 6 months. I never really used FB, but hear so many problems with it especially lately. There are a few bullies, and a few trolls, but the mute function works wonders. It does take time to build a following, and build I think is the right word. By posting quality content, (and that you have certainly done), and using the tags to your advantage.

    When first starting out on steemit, I would suggest use a first tag that will give no doubt or cause of concern to not be appropriate for that tag. Some people are real protective of tags, you can change and edit your post for the first 7 days, you can not however change your mind and edit the very first tag.

art38,53232,7542,524,224.326 SBD
painting2,785439240,610.448 SBD
photography78,98262,2854,283,329.771 SBD
deutsch4,1469,833349,407.982 SBD

    By carefully selecting, (unlike how I do it), and using established tags for the first several months you would reach a larger audience than by creating you own tags and hoping someone stumbles on them.

Welcome to steemit and you found one of the best ladies on steemit to follow, in @mammasitta.


Hi @bashadow thank you for the warm welcome and for your kind worlds & advice! That is indeed true, I usually use the art and photography tags which are incredibly popular and I use the tag list for guidance quite a lot, it is very important for newbies indeed, you are right!
And yes, @mammasitta is indeed one of the best ladies to follow ^_^ <3
Enjoy a beautiful sunday,

My apology to reply in a very short version but I lost my phone and got it back again( yeah right! Wow! ) because some angel was honest enough to return it.
I do have hope in humanity just like you do. I am so pleased to find more and more fabolous minded, incredibly interesting, talented human beings, especially on steemit.
There is also a lot of Crazy stuff going on but at some point, I chose to look away from the “greed” and focused to find beauty only!
That one flower Inbetween the mud makes the difference
Finding talented artists, musicians and real touching life stories, humans!!! kept me going here since June 2016. I am still here and not leaving yet!

I am grateful to Steemit for showing me that the world could be a better place, that better societies could be built. It kinda gave me a bit of hope for humanity.


Thank you so much dear @mammasitta for all of your support and for creating this wonderful community of #steemit-austria , thank you for welcoming us and bringing us together <3
Focusing on the beauty is what makes life so much better :) And there is so much beuty in this platform!
And getting your phone back from that angel- the perfect proof for the good that is still there in humanity.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am especially proud of the whole #steemit-austria “Gang!!! Our tag! I enjoy reading through every day and pleased to find so so many fantastic articles. I am glad @sndbox and Hans @hansikhouse found this lovley article!!

Hello, your post was nominated for an upvote by a fellow within the Sndbox incubator. Steem is a fantastic place for Artists! Thanks for sharing this @shlomit. Steem on :D

Very very well deserved!!! 💜 you guys!!!

Thank you so much, I am truly honoured! <3

I absolutely agree - but I think for the moment its best for us artists to keep using our other platforms as we build Steemit, so that we can use those profiles to drive traffic over here! But yes yes yes!

Yes, that's exactly wat I do :D

I like people who say thanks and do not forget the help they received from others.
Excellent post, @shlomit keep doing good to the world and you will succeed

Thank you very much Nir for your kind words! <3

Absolutely agree! Steemit is quite revolutionary. It is getting harder and harder to build a following on Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr and I feel that artists have to often rely on 'tastemakers' to get eyes on their art. I can't wait to see where this platform goes this year! Great article, resteemed :)

Thank you very much! <3
I am also excited to see the future of this platform and where it will take us ^_^
Have a wonderful day & fullsteem ahead!

good thought, I am trying to persuade my friends. I also have a large network of artists that I am trying to bring in. I can access them via a broadcast, so I plan on doing that soon.
It was a great meeting on Sunday, looking forward to more! 👍

Thank you dear Otto, it is great to see you and @gric and @leoplaw here, bringing more of your incredible artists network would be such a wonderful thing for Steemit and would help enriching this community! So I am looking forward to your broadcast :)
It was indeed a great meeting, hopefully next time we'll get the chance to chat properly :D
Wishing you a beautiful sunny Monday <3

Thank you, likewise - as it is, I am busier than a one-legged guy in an ass-kicking contest. So much to do and only 24 hrs in a day!

:D Oh yes, those hours are never enough :P

Just found your page today. I have 1 word... Awesome. OK... 2 words... Steemy.
Great stuff. I upvoted and followed you today.

I appreciate your work and the process pieces. I like seeing how things come to be. This was beautiful.

Thank you so much for your kind sweet words! I'm glad to hear that you enjoy my work ^_^
Wishing you a beautiful sunny Monday <3

I like your post ! It's really a revolutionary idea. . . I've been getting started here for a couple of months, wish I had some friends showing. Me the ropes but i found this by chance myself . . . Now I'm inviting friends onto the site by telling them about it when I see them, now I'm traveling I'm telling people to follow me o. Steemit rather than FB . . . Bringing people into the chain!
Glad I'm finding new exiting people like yourself here everyday!

Thank you very much :)
It is indeed a revolunitary idea and it's pretty incredible to see it working! Oh, this platform requires a lot of self learning, but thanks to all of the supporting Steemians who write wonderful, helpful guids, it is much easier.
Thank you for spreading the word out there! Let's all make it a Steemit world <3

Bravo @shlomit, just to add bit detail, no one is sending you massages like, boost your post only for..$ and you will reach..xaxaxa, yes Steemit is a great place!

:D true true!
So happy that we are here ^_^

I looove your photo!!! Oh GOD what beautiful colors! Good content, i'll reply it to my sis, i want her to stop using facebook hehe. She already has a blog, would be sooo nice to have her here
hehe. Hugs

Oh, thank you very much ^_^
I hope it will help!
Hugs <3

Thank you for this post, you nailed it and made me laugh with your " promised land " =D I am totally new here and when I heard about this community I could not believe it at first ... It feels great to have made my first post, if you like come over and get to know me :)

Hey, thank you very much and welcome to Steemit! ^_^
You are going to love it here!

Hear hear! Well said. I still use FB now, but do so grudgingly. I have to force myself on once a day, give a few comments, check up on the few I like to follow I can't see IRL and then post my art.

FB has basically only been a tool for me to use to promote and stay connected with my art for the past year. It is not always a very effective tool, but it is one if you use it. Not a good tool like Steemit, of course, but I've only discovered Steemit last year in June and only really started being active Late December.

I'm not sure when I will leave FB altogether or if I will. I'll keep posting my work there and seeing how that goes.

Well said and here is to getting more artists and creatives and lovers of those things here on Steemit!

Thank you dear :)
I am also still on FB, because the majorities are still there, but I mainly post the links to me Steemit posts :D
The more the people will move here, the less we will need to use that platform and I hope that really soon we will be able to leave it all together ;)
Here's for a creative, enriched, successful, Steemit growing community! <3

Nice post. And yes Steemit made me forget FB and rightly so. Cheers!!! Wish you good luck on steemit.

Thank you dear! :)

@Shlomit some very valid points. For me the format of fb and twitter doesn't work anyway as I better like the blogging aspect of the Steemit platform.

I also love the blogging part of it, you can contribute & share so much more this way!

Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted. It seems we've come to the right place. Thanks for the shoutout but I really just try and shine a light whereever I can :)
You got the skills to pay the bills. Stay consistent and we'll be alright!

Dear, your light shines super bright and it helps those around you. You are a rare person and I am so grateful for steemit for knowing you <3

I am still a bit on facebook, too, and feel reminded of the story of the two frogs in the well. One frog left and discovered the sea. He came back to his mate and told him how big the sea was. The frog in the well grew very angry and called him a liar shouting: „Nothing can be bigger than my well!“ All these facebookians... They will come, but most of them will need trainers and webinars. It takes time. Steemians, get prepared...

I love the story, it's so true! Yes, it takes time, just like it took time for me to be convinced :D But I hope to slowly slowly convince more and more of the talented people around to join us :)
I am also still on fb, but mainly to share my steemit posts there ;)

I observe many new Steemians joining. Imagine masses would join... It's good the way it goes... Also sharing my Steemit posts there ... Wonder how long will fb tolerate it...

:D Untill FB gets mad at us and kicks us out :P

I am so glad you started my dear. I have tried so hard to convince another at least 20 friends, with personal talks, sending them links with information and only 2 from the 20 did start here. I guess it takes time. I have been always very early on every possible platform, my space, Facebook etc. Steemit is for sure the best one and I am loving it. My friend @thomasheindl was trying to convince me already at the beginning ot 2017, I waited wayyy to long and started at the end of October.

Of course there are posts with really low quality cell phone photos on the platform making hundreds based on other things than quality but this is normal in the digital age. Internet is like gambling.
Let us all keep on focusing on the content, quality and the community, and all will go good.

And thank you so much for not giving up on bringing me in! Now it's my turn to do the same for others :D

Focusing on the good quality & the community is indeed what's important and what makes this place wonderful.
Love you my dear!

Not much to be said except: ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
And I heartily agree with it all.
Also steemit-austria rocks. ♡

Thank you dear! <3
And yes, #steemit-austira totally rocks !!

Excelente post, tienes todo mi apoyo

תודה רבה ^_^ איזה כיף לשמוע!