Giant Minion Pop-Up Adventure

in #blog4 months ago

Pop-up stores are always an enjoyable way of experiencing something new and interesting. The funniest thing is, that this post has nothing featured in the store. As soon as we entered the store it was like having a dog on a leash spotting a cat in the distance. The kids went crazy, minions overload. Although, I did take some pictures of the cool features around the stores. As well as some of the random photo spots offered by the location.

We visited the Busan Premium Outlet stores. All the brands your heart desires, but your wallet shrinks in seconds... I never found mine after a few minutes of window shopping... Anyway, here are some cool and oversized minions!




There were many opportunities to take some pictures with minions.



We arrived quite early because in Korea, you have to be early to avoid the rush. The sad thing about South Korea is that there are too many people and too little space. This is true for pretty much everything. There will always be crowds and if you are not early, you will be stuck in traffic and I am not speaking of car traffic. There are just too many people visiting the same place at the same time. Car traffic is on a whole other level... While we wait for shops to open, we just chilled on a nearby bench.


This was inside the actual pop-up store. They had some spots where we could take photos. The actual story was just too crowded and everything was overpriced. There was no way to take any good pictures. I was particularly annoyed by many people looking at what is for sale and then standing in front of the items googling online prices. I used my best Korean and just shoved them away politely.







Overall, it was a very fun day and we had a blast experiencing all things Minions.

Thanks for reading and be ready for the next South Korean experience!


Looks like the little scrooger had a good time ;)

He loved it!

Yes it looks like it was really a very fun trip and the photos you shared are also cool brother

Thanks a lot, mate!

You are my brother

Never enjoy busy cities, great idea going early giving your little guy some time to enjoy the minions taking in the shopping center.

Nice photography shoot with your son! Look forward to learning more about South Korea a place I know little about.

@tipu curate

Korea is crazy busy, pretty much everywhere. That is why I hate Seoul. Just too many people everywhere.

Korea's culture is about working hard and fast. Everyone is always working, everything is always done fast. When I went back to SA I couldn't believe how slow things were. I kept feeling like I needed to do something. After day 2-3 I finally relaxed and enjoyed the slower more relaxed pace...

Thanks for your comment and curation!

Have had friends from East who enjoyed 3 to 5 years work here, many did not want to return to that lifestyle.

I'm highly allergic to cities no matter where in the world, have not been into Durban in over ten years to walk around, perhaps when you younger you keep up.

Depending on where you go when visiting South Africa, always somewhere to chill out!

Yeah, I fully understand them. Still, I wouldn't say I like the work ethics and lifestyle. The pay is good though and the safety is my nr. 1 priority. It sometimes feels weird that things are this safe. If you ever visit, do look me up and let me know. I will spoil you with some good food ( the food here is amazing).

Wow, more than 10 years since you have been in Durban? Where do you live then? Must be very quiet there... Oh, how I envy that.

Safety with young family is a top priority, so many friends and family long gone from these shores. Doubt I will ever travel now with our rate of exchange down the tubes and cost of living much higher than before that covid story.

Living in Warner Beach not far from Durban, simply don't enjoy the city, although much is on offer I will leave that to younger generation. Our little coastal town is no longer that quiet, leaving one in a quandary to possibly move off the coastal belt. Crime is high everywhere sometimes the devil you know is better than the one you don't know.