Hey, thanks for asking... The latest book I've completed reading is by Ishmael Beah called: "A long way gone"
I recommend it, but it's a difficult read at times considering the topic is about child soldiers...
I am currently reading Robert M. Pirsig's: "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance" after having it recommended to me over 3 years ago, I finally picked up a copy at a second hand book store, as it was really difficult to find being the classic that it is.
I'd also like to thank you for blogging about reading. While I enjoyed the video reading of your post, I chuckled a little when you said 2017 instead of 2018 in the third to last paragraph! ~cheers~
I've read "Zen & and the art...". It's really good. Tough to get started but he really hammers home his ideas about quality. Teaches you a lot. Wish I'd read it when i was younger.
Yah. I caught that error on one of the last passes through the text, but it was after I read it. Also left in my small mistakes in the video because it was too time consuming to edit. Had to move on to another LIVE bitcoin talk show. ;)
I love the mistake, it adds character <3 Thanks for the reply :D
"Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance" is a very good book indeed.
Good choice!
Thanks! I've been tuning into the sounds of my Ford Ranger '87 the way I imagine Phaedrus would listen to the humm of the motorcycle...