Hey @carine1988 Yes, some smartphones could do that! :) This is made with a Huawei P10 Lite (without a tripod, I don't have one for my phone :( )
*click the image for full size
Previously I had a OnePlus 2, and it can also make long exposure photos. P10L could do 8 sec exposure, OP2 could do 30 seconds, if I remember correctly. So yeah, there are phones out there with that capability.
You did this without a tripod? Wow! My phone is P10 and I keep on doing long exposure shots but the result is not like this.
I always try to find a bench or edge, upon which I could support the phone. If I really have to keep it in my hand, and I couldn't even support it on my knees (which is also works kinda well sometimes) I put a 2 seconds delay timer (I found that I put the most wobble in the phone when pressing the shutter button) and try to hold my hands as firm as possible. Even though I only use my phone when my camera isn't with me (and I have a tripod for that :D )
Oh, I'll try to follow that. Hopefully I can pull it off! Thank you for this. :)
...those shots are electric..thank you @rothens were experimenting now on our phone
You're welcome! :) I hope it goes well. ^^