You aren't supposed to think for yourself.
You aren't supposed to have an opinion about anything. You're supposed to do what you're told and shut up.
You're supposed to watch sports and buy crap on credit. You're not supposed to argue or talk back, you're supposed to listen and obey.
You're not supposed to be judgemental. You aren't supposed to express yourself. You're supposed to aim your cell phone camera out your bathroom window and snap a photo, and then be pleased with yourself because you've done something creative. Then you can relax and turn on Fox news.
You're supposed to root for the home team. You're supposed to blog about your headache and that you're hungover and how you can't pay your bills because you're in debt up to your crotch. You're not supposed to have fun, you're supposed to worry about the small shit and get to work.
You're not supposed to know anything. If you want to know something you're supposed to ask an expert, because you don't know shit yourself and you can't find out on your own.
Your teacher or your professor or your parents or your pastor or your shrink know more than you do, so if you have any questions about anything just ask them and they'll tell you what do and think. Shut up and don't talk back or ask questions.
Watch TV and buy the latest crap you're told to buy. You smell, so wear deodorant. You have allergies, so take Allegra. You can't get it up, so take Viagra. You're depressed, so take Prozac. Don't think about how to change your life so that you won't be depressed anymore. Vote for Trump, because he will make sure that the bad guys don't hurt you.
Thinking is rude; it implies an inflated self-opinion. Like, as if you might be better than other people or something. Don't do it!
Just about sums it all up.