Social Media

in #blog3 years ago


Hello friends.

Today I've decided to write about the media and the information it handles. First, understand that in them I include not only the traditional ones but also the current ones, which are the social networks. Lately, it has become very easy for anyone to spread any kind of information, regardless of whether it is true or false.

Now it is very easy for many news or stories to go viral, but it's increasingly complicated to know if everything that is said is true. Whereas the opposite used to be the case. We usually didn't have so much information at our fingertips.

How do we avoid echoing false stories? By consulting official sources of information and gathering as much evidence as we can. Let's remember that no one owns the absolute truth, but it is no secret that we can all create thousands of lies at our convenience.

With love,

Rima, E.



Hola amigos.

Hoy he decidido escribir sobre los medios de comunicación y la información que manejan. Primero, entiendan que en ellos incluyo no sólo a los tradicionales sino también a los actuales, que son las redes sociales. Últimamente, se ha vuelto muy fácil para cualquiera difundir cualquier tipo de información, sin importar si es verdadera o falsa.

Ahora es muy fácil que muchas noticias o historias se hagan virales, pero cada vez es más complicado saber si todo lo que se dice es cierto. Mientras que antes ocurría lo contrario. Normalmente no teníamos tanta información a nuestro alcance.

¿Cómo evitamos hacernos eco de historias falsas? Consultando las fuentes oficiales de información y reuniendo todas las pruebas que podamos. Recordemos que nadie es dueño de la verdad absoluta, pero no es un secreto que todos podemos crear miles de mentiras a nuestra conveniencia.

Con cariño,

Rima, E.


the media of information that you have taught us is very good, I have read and understood it. how are you brother

I'm fine. And you? Thanks for asking

I am also fine brother. Have a nice day always.

relax enjoying coffee

Today's means of information are difficult to understand, many even hide factual events, therefore the use of social networks must be truly factual and choose information tools from trusted accounts.

It's hard because everyone can say anything at any moment and on any platform, tv show, etc

I’ve been a practical joker all of my life. Now I also have the skills to easily manipulate photos into whatever I want. Plus I am able to write convincing stories. The fact that I barely even try and can easily spread false truths tells me that surely there are people in this world who wish to fool the world and try very hard to do so. It’s hard for me to believe much of anything anymore unless I’m actually experiencing it myself. Probably why I stick to my own life for the most part.

I'm learning to do the same and trying to keep myself away from all kinds of controversy

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That's the impact of social medias in our lives. A lot are spreading fake informations that goes viral. But, there are also real stories that give values to our day to day living.
It is our responsibility to identify which is right or wrong in every informations we get in social medias.
Have a great day dear. Hope it's not too hot in there. 😀

It's very hot 🥵🥵🥵 35°C today

So far now, here is not too hot coz it rains due to the low pressure spotted.

Now it is very easy for a lot of news or stories to go viral, but it is getting more and more complicated to know if everything that is said is true.

This is what often happens, sometimes a lot of hoax news is spread without any truth.