Saturday's sky ~ Photography

in #blog3 years ago


Welcome to my blog.

Rarely, it rains here in December, because in general, although the weather turns cold, the sky is always clear. The photo I share today was taken last Saturday and as you can see, the sky was completely clear. I'm writing about this because of the sudden change in the weather today and the morning dew.

I like to take pictures like this because they remind me of moments, especially what I felt before or while I was taking them. Last Saturday I was visiting a very special person for me and although most people like to take pictures of themselves, what I usually like most in a photo are the details, those that make me remember the weather of that day, the smell and the emotions I felt.


Thank you so much for stopping by.

With love,




Bienvenidos a mi blog.

Rara vez llueve aquí en diciembre, porque en general, aunque el tiempo se torna frío, el cielo siempre está despejado. La foto que comparto hoy fue tomada el sábado pasado y como podéis ver, el cielo estaba completamente despejado. Escribo sobre esto por el cambio repentino del tiempo hoy y el rocío de la mañana.

Me gusta hacer fotos así porque me recuerdan momentos, sobre todo lo que sentí antes o mientras las tomaba. El sábado pasado estuve visitando a una persona muy especial para mí y aunque a la mayoría de la gente le gusta fotografiarse, lo que más me suele gustar de una foto son los detalles, aquellos que me hacen recordar el clima de ese día, el olor y las emociones que sentí.


Muchas gracias por pasarte por aquí.

Con cariño,



The cloudless sky is very beautiful when photographed, very different from the sky with wavy clouds in my country.

The sky is not always clear around here but each one has its own charm

I thought so too, looks like it's the rainy season there,.

It's lovely sky, that was awesome. And as you say that sky reminds me of a moment.
Good picture by the way...

Thank you

Youre welcome Chief

What a beautiful sky) You can admire and admire) 🥰🤍

Yes. Thanks for stopping by