Today was the Fourth of July!! I may sound like I really love this holiday, but it's a medium type of love.
Growing up, my father & I would go and buy fireworks to set off during the day. It was sort of a tradition. We would go find a fireworks stand that had some fun kiddie stuff (Pop Its, Snakes, Bottle Rockets, Sparklers, ect.) but also some really cool ones that lit up the sky.
As an adult, it is still a tradition, but more fun because I get to go buy fireworks with our child. She loves it! And this year, she remembered some of the ones we had previously purchased and wanted those same ones again. My husband is SUPER into it, too. It's one of the holidays he will spend a good amount of money because the potential of setting something on fire is very high.
It excites him!
I think the reason this holiday is only medium to me is because I have no strong childhood memories from it. Plus, it seems kind of boring. In the past few years, it really just consisted of hanging around with my in-laws at their home, or the beach or on a boat. And, don't get me wrong, being on a boat is fun. But, my problem was that it didn't include friends of ours.
That's how is actually got fun this year!!
We were invited over to a friend's house to shoot off fireworks(that we all pooled together to buy so that it was an awesome show) and have a BBQ. There weren't a lot of people there, but it was so much fun. We laughed and talked about our weeks and watched other people set off stuff and displayed our own. It was a great time.
I think the best way to make a holiday better is to figure out what you are missing. We were missing friends from this particular holiday, where as we don't feel the same way about Easter or Christmas, really.
I know several people that don't enjoy holidays, but if you try to find people you like hanging with or activities to do, you can make it really fantastic!
Lastly, If you find yourself not looking forward to a holiday coming up, ask to hang out with people you are comfortable with. Or, plan ahead and schedule an activity. Or, go on a vacation! This last one MIGHT be the best suggestion.
Figure out what makes you happy and don't settle for less. If you need to incorporate your family, do it, but the plans need to include something you enjoy, as well.
If you celebrate the Fourth of July, I hope you had a fantastic one. If it was just another day to you, I hope your next holiday is as fun as mine was today.
Until next time, friends.- the RealPositiveGirl
Thanks for the post:) enjoyed reading it
I'm so glad to hear that! Thank you!
Great pictures and post, look forward to seeing more, thanks for posting. Followed.
Thanks so much!! I appreciate it!
I love the 4th and the fireworks. The only negative aspect for me is knowing how much animals and pets get scared from all the celebratory explosions...
I agree. We have a dog that is new to the 4th and we were worried it would bother him. Luckily, he wasn't too bothered by it. I didn't want to have to give him any meds to make him feel calmer. I hope you're holiday was great!