Are we in a simulation?

in #blog7 years ago

So I was just sitting and then the idea came into my mind that 41818 was too good to be false so when the eruption happened on 41818 at 12:30 AM The aliens most likely landed and took over then put us in a simulation. You may be thinking wouldn't we know if we're in a simulation? And no we wouldn't because if you're playing a game like the sims do they know they're in a simulation, no they don't . Even Elon Musk thinks we're in a simulation, but maybe we've been in a simulation this whole time. Where I'm trying to go with this is that what if the Aliens took us in to see what our lives would've looked like if they didn't invade. And that's all I have comment what you think and I'll try to respond. Remember to work hard, try your best, and don't impress.


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Very doubtful

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