
I'd rather lay under a moving train than take government help to be honest dude. :/

Take medical help if you really need it and repay it later with volunteering if you need to. Much better than a train.

Eh, Medication is a sure fire way to kill KLYE and replace him with some doped up automaton sadly. :/

Oh well I didn't mean drugs. Counseling? Medical help aside from antidepressants like getting a physical and blood labs and shit?

Then I'd know what's wrong with me.. Which I suspect would be a bit worse than depression. Rather just not fuck about with medical stuff to be honest.

"Test results came back, you have KLAIDS, RIP KLYE" lol

Man up and give it a try. They may recommend or prescribe them, but if you don't want to take antidepressants or do anything else that you don't want to, just say no.

Been through the system already once pfunk.

They ended up putting me on paxil.. Which was later shown to give people heart damage... I'd rather just avoid that whole bunch of garbage and let nature take it's course.

About the only benefit to it was you could get WASTED on 2 beers. Good times.