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RE: Rothschild Zionism.....

in #blog7 years ago

Or knows exactly what they attempt to shift your assertions to be. A common method used to discredit sources that remain unemotional and factual is to get a commitment into some bizarre statements so then the baby can be thrown out with the bathwater.

Keep up the good work. Your approach using facts cannot be stopped using direct confrontation, only by getting you to bend into irrational emotional blanket statements which you demonstrate here you do not fall into. A man who owns his words is powerful.


You have completely missed the point. I did not write what I did as some kind of attempt to derail this article, or to put words in his mouth.
My comment is factual and I did not make blanket statements to pit fall him into agreeing with. I merely feel that it is naive to exempt jews from blame, when zionism is the baby of judaism, it is pretty illogical to not blame jews for creating what they did.
And to underestimate the power of the jewish people and world jewery is a goose step away from gatekeeping in my mind. Regardless the rebuttal from lucylin was a poorly constructed fragmentation of my comment, designed to make me seem crazy for questioning a state of people based on religion. They fervently hate the palestinians and since the creation of their religious state, they have disregarded any sense of humanity and have disgustingly segregated themselves from the palestinians and taken their land and instigated an ereley reminisciant apartheid against them.
And as my comment stated, from personal experience, it is stupid to think that they are not to blame. As when I left the cult I grew up in and got to see the people around me for who they realy were, it was bleedingly obvious that they wanted this life, that they would defend it with everything they have. The same can be said factually about jews and judaism.
And to say that not all jews are the same and more traditional jews stand against israel and the like is proof not all jews are bad, is in one sense semi correct, as I do believe that there are jews out there that feel that way. But to give them all the benifit of the doubt is stupid and a dangerous precedent. If they all were so harmless, israel wouldnt exist, the palestinains would still have their homeland, and anti-semitism wouldnt be such a slur, and denying the holocaust wouldnt come with a 5 year jail sentence.


It came across as you trying to lead him to it as you started off mentioning he did a great job before you began mentioning why the whole post was a fallacy for excusing any of the Jews. So it does beg the question what made the post well done in your eyes if it was seeking to let those responsible in your eyes off the hook?

Using the all are culpable idea, let us examine the Iraq war. I personally have not spoken with anyone who felt that we had any business going into Iraq and executing Saddam. The guy we helped prop up in the first place. Would it be fair then using your logic to say that all citizens of the west are responsible? Or since white people built and set up western countries that all white people are responsible for this? Or would it be fairer to say that there were a few in power who said make it so and the pawns were sent in to do the dirty work?

In the not so distant past, slavery was practiced in the United States. By a very small percentage of the white population. Is it fair to then say all whites are guilty of this since SOME of the more powerful families were doing this?

There is a lot of violent crime in black neighborhoods. Would it be fair then to say all black people are violent?

This list could go on but I think the gist of my point is obvious. Now onto your idea that Jews are a clannish bunch so by this reasoning they deserve to all be indicted for the crimes of some of their more powerful people. It ties into what I was already saying.

Can you share an example of any group of people who are not prone to segregating to a large extent within their own group? Is it some sinister plot involved that people for the most part seek out others like themselves? You see this occurring not just racially, but with ideas and mindsets as well. For example, you countered my idea that you were here to lead him off his position, explaining that you were just adding to the facts. Giving you the benefit of the doubt here, I can see this could very well just be the case. But the thing that drove you to doing so was you were drawn to a post you felt was something like you believe. Water seeking to rise to its own level.

I would urge you to consider if one should seek to find enemies where there were none. Men with a backbone will always take you at your word if you insist they are your enemy. And there is no way I can see it plausible that Rothschild and his ilk give a shit about the average Jew anymore than they do myself, you or most anyone I have ever crossed paths with. We are just pawns to be used, all with our own particular brand of illusions fed to us as they lead us across the plantation.

Now this is the kind of rebuttal I like. Seek first to understand then to be understood. I will reply soon it will just take me a bit. But I want to thank you for taking the time to construct a well thought out piece. Please be patient but know I intend to discuss these brilliantly put points of interest with you. I agree to a point with what you are saying too, but I feel all of your points lead to the same cut off point and you have solely placed blame on others instead of the most deserving.

I still stand by my upraisal of his blog post, for in my eyes, we need to look to each other for a greater understanding, not to the same “sources” of information. I felt it was brilliantly written piece and not at all did I imply it was then all a fallacy for he did not properly place his blame on the jews. I understand his whole point was to place it on zionists and the rothschild elk, but I do feel one cannot solely place blame here, there subserviant jewish kin are the groundwork that they stand atop of.
My point I was making was in my own personal experience with religious types and the depths of their brainwashing, is that as much as these people cannot help the life they were born into, but there cognitive dissonance on the matter is set in stone. Zionism was begotten by judaism and to fight so fervently against placing part of the blame on the jews was merely an argument that come of his hard headed nature to not see from anothers perspective. Not the be all and end all point I was making.
You are now incorrectly assuming I am placing blame on everyone and everything. This is not at all what I stated nor do I implore an all or nothing standing. But yes, let us explore the iraqi war -
Agreed, it would be utter stupidity to place the blame on the sleeping servants called civilians in america, and thats not what I am advocating, but the wholey sole reason for the american occupation of the middle east is because of the jews, there hatred for muslims and the jewish state of israels ever growing want for utter domination. For they were the agresors in this scenario. They want to regain control of Russia like they had during the Bolshevik revoution. To do so they need to destabilise the middle east and clear a path through the middle east, through syria and to Russia. The key people back then were zionist jews, that through corrupt organisations like AIPAC and the CFR drove the american leaders to occupy the territory for only the betterment of jewish personal interests. Such as oil.
You are now commiting the sin you blame me for commiting, you state that slavery was in the interests of a small percentage of “white” americans. Did you know blacks owned slaves too, did you know of the small percentage of whites who owned slaves majority were Jewish? Why should the whites constantly be blamed for something they barely had anything to do with?
It is not an idea that they are “clannish”. By no means are they the only ones too, but they are the only ones who can fall back on somehing like “the holocaust” to justify their behaviour but then turn around and scrutinise anyone who does what they are doing. The communist liberal left attack daily the conservative rights want for stability and consistancy with a countrys inhabitants and who we allow in or out. But the jews can live in a society like it is in israel and demand what the right want in america, yet the jews of america are and have statistically been self serving communist leftists. Ask yourself why, why would they want their own state to be protected by walls and consevative aspirations yet every other western society to be the exact opposite with open boarders and to champion the minorities rights like trans rights and shit? And I know this can come across still as “now dont blame all the jews just the zionist ones in charge”
But the issue I have is as I stated, that the brainwashed subserviant jewish populace that only further segregates itself and fervently believes they are the chosen people, are merely also to blame ... you cannot yell at the tail for wagging the dog, when the dog is there clearly wagging its tail.
I dont fully understand what you are saying here, I did answer some parts above, but I do not understand what you are getting at. I may have worded it a little heavy handidly bu stating adding the facts if thats what I said but, I do mean I was merely adding my personal experience with programmed religious zealots and the extents of which they are willing. And to not so hastily forget the humble begginings of zionism and the state of israel.

And finally and again, I agree, I agree there are 13 main families that steer history to where we are today. I am not solely blaming the jews as you have all accused me of, I am merely adding to your beliefs to not forget that the jews started this. That the jews are behind the driving force of this and that religious programming and indoctrination into a belief system that systemically puts you against the rest of the world is an issue. And this standpoint does not make me a catholic sympathiser or a muslim sympathiser. I hold great disdain towards all religions as they are all merely systems of control.

"...the cult I grew up in and got to see the people around me for who they realy were, it was bleedingly obvious that they wanted this life, that they would defend it with everything they have. The same can be said factually about jews and judaism."

I agree.

The thing is, you're talking about you, too. You were in that cult. Just as you write off people in that cult, and in Judaism, you fail to acknowledge that at one point in your life, if you judged you by the judgement you judge Jews with, you would merit your worst scorn.

I submit to you that based on your experience, you can be certain sure that not every other Jehovah's Witness, nor every Jew, is as devoted to the dogma you claim them to be.

You are proof of that.

Do not tar a people because some are bad. Each individual answers for themselves, and those that are prejudiced, or hate, or are bigots, such as you, are answerable for what is inside themselves, not for who spews such drivel to them.

You are the target of your words here.

There are folks that haven't awoke and will, and folks that delight in using the trappings of religion, and the power of their institutions, to aggrandize themselves and their ilk to the greatest degree possible.

You are one of them. Each of us is one of them, somewhere along the spectrum between honest, responsible people and vicious thugs. No people sins. Only a person can sin.

No member of any group you can name is the group, and each is liable for their own self.

Just as you are.

I understand the correlation you are drawing from but there truly is one distinction that seperates myself from the judgement I am passing. For that is the fact that at the age of 14 I realised it was a cult religion and attempted to show as many people as possible, I was ridiculed, laughed at and hated by friends and family merely for thinking differently, I was segregated from my friends and family for years and years, judged harshly and thrown out. Not invited to weddings, dinners out, or anything in fact. I had to go out into the world and make it on my own.
This is where I draw the conclusion from that none of them want out, it is the very few and very very far between that want out. But a self serving seperated sect of sad brainwashed fanatics keep each other in check, the fact that you think I am harshly judging on a group because potentially a small minority might not be as hard core as the rest is in my eyes the same argument being made by neo-marxist leftists to combat “transphobia”. A minority of a group does not determine what the majority work for.