Baby steps to adulting (and being broke) | Diary Entry #2

in #blog7 years ago

Hi, this is Poor Kid #1.

I thought I had successfully entered the world of "adulting" since I graduated from college, but I guess I was wrong. I wouldn't be here with @travelingmercies, opting to post daily if possible, and striving hard for extra income, if I had known sooner. 

Few months ago, I was anxious by the thought of going to work and meeting new people. The new environment I was thrown into was scary and unrelenting, and I had no choice but to adapt. I lived in boarding house with people I never really knew personally, eat out alone, go to work alone, and be hounded by overwhelming tasks.

Sometimes, I thought it was too much. But then I guess, it was just the tip of the iceberg.

Baby steps to becoming adult

At 22, I have yet to venture to more responsible stuff, like knowing proper budgeting, moderating wants and prioritizing needs, and perhaps more. I felt like my baby steps are starting now.

Two weeks ago, I applied for line and phone plan. With that plan, I had to initially pay PHP 6,800 and pay PHP 1,999 monthly. I didn't think my application would be approved... but it did. (So yay for a new phone, but nay for a new responsibility.)

The postpaid plan comes with a Samsung Galaxy A8 2018. It's almost a flagship phone, so I guess I shouldn't complain? Image Source

Here's a quick overview of stuff I have to see through monthly. 

  • A monthly installment to another phone until May this year, PHP 1,400
  • A monthly bill for postpaid plan until March 2020, PHP 1,999
  • Monthly (uhm, weekly really) remittance to parents (excuse me @arrliinn, help?!), > PHP 15,000
  • And, if @travelingmercies and I would push through with a condo rental, PHP 6,500

That would be more or less PHP 25,000. Thank the heavens for Steemit, or I'd be broke beyond broke. So you see where the need for this account comes in? Hazel and I plan to use whatever we earn here so our monthly load could lighten up a notch.

...damn. Staring real hard at the computation above makes me question how my coming months would look like. 

Regardless, still hoping for and looking forward to the best.

Poor Kid #1

Here's Samsung's promotional video for the A8 2018. It was beautiful.


I, @arrliinn, do hereby solemnly swear...

... to upvote your posts to support your adulting journey. :D

While I appreciate the upvote on posts, (mandatory) cash is also welcomed with open arms. 😒

hihi welcome to adulting world where you're not adult if you're not broke lol

Oh the irony. 😂