Attempts to stay warm

in #blog7 years ago

We're in the middle of very cold weather here in the Netherlands! Not a comfortable thing when you're living in a wooden cabin.

Header sunrise

We warm up the place with a woodstove. There's a lot of wood being burned here, especially during the winter time. The only other source of heating is an electrical heater we bought and those things costs loads of electricity, so we try not to use it unless we have to.

Our windows hold single glass, which means a lot of cold gets right through. There's also plenty of small cracks inbetween the wood and windows, so that means plenty of fresh air gets in. Then, there's the other half of the cabin/shed, which isn't our living space. The two are divided by a wall and a door with big cracks.

As you can probably imagine, this means it gets cold quickly here. Last time we had a couple of cold, windy days, I gathered every curtain I could find and hung them in front of the biggest windows to keep some warmth in. It's not the prettiest sight, but it does the job.

Yesterday, I figured I should continue making our living space a bit more comfortable, so I grabbed the sticky... draught excluders(?) we had bought and went to work! First order of business was the window in the toilet room. That thing let air through everywhere and when it was windy outside, it would be windy inside!

So I opened up the window and then headed outside to add the sticky things to the sides of the window opening. That's when I ran into one of my boyfriend's dad's friends who suggested I'd use styrofoam for the bigger gaps. What a great idea! So I went back inside, cut up a piece of styrofoam and used that to close off the top of the window. The window now closes perfectly and no one is allowed to open it back up until summer, because the styrofoam will fall back out. No more draught coming from that window! Just cold through the single glass, but that can't easily (cheaply) be helped right now.

I had enought sticky stuff left, so I went to the kitchen door that leads to the other half of the cabin/shed. I figured I could use the rest of the stuff on its sides to close off the draught (or is it draft? Google translate is no help in this whatsoever and tells me it's both!). I managed to finish the entire roll of sticky stuff and the door still closes just fine, but now, there's hardly any draught coming through!

So that, my friends, is what I've been busy with yesterday. Trying to make this place a little bit more comfortable during winter time. I know it would take a lot more effort and cash to really make it comfortable temperature wise, but atleast I have a feeling I tried. We won't live here long enough to really warrant throwing too much money at it.

In other news, I still have a cold, but I'll be fine after a while. This thing just lingers too long, which is what happens for most people this year. I'll just keep taking it easy.

Have a good day!

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I never felt how it was winter. what you are doing is correct by closing the gaps in the air. it makes for a great experience to share.

I always wonder how it feels living in a wintry place since I'm living in a tropical country. Hope you're all okay up there and get well soon.

Thank you :-)

The upside of the Netherlands is the difference in seasons which means landscapes change. Everything gets all fresh and green in spring, warm in summer and during autumn, many leaves turn red and brown before they fall off the trees. Winter brings snow sometimes, which is pretty! I don't like the cold though and I always wonder what it would be like in a more steady climate. Here, I feel like I'm always getting used to the changing temperatures.

Wow, you have four seasons? That's awesome. Well I hope someday I can get to feel the beautiful seasons of your country, that'd be nice.

Our windows hold single glass,

Double glass all the way!! Damn make it tripple :)

I think it's draught...

In British English, draught is used primarily for (1) a current of air, (2) an animal that pulls loads, (3) a load pulled by such an animal, (4) a portion of liquid, and (5) the act of drawing liquid into the mouth. And British writers use draft for (1) a written plan or preliminary sketch, (2) an order for a bank to pay money, (3) conscription into the military, and (4) the act of selecting someone for a role. taken from here

Hah, thanks for that! Draught it is :D

nice blog.keep it up.hope it will be liked all.go ahead

good luck for you

I would like to ask?
I write about games and do the writing I've been good? @playfulfoodie

Hi there @albianmubarak! Could I ask you how you make your posts? For example, do you write the text yourself? Do you write in English or in your own language? Do you use a translating service?

The setup of your articles looks good, maybe you could use some cursive or fat letters or headers here and there. I'm just curious about the writing :-)