Good morning Steemit

in #blog7 years ago

So... I met our new roommate today!

I didn't know we had one, but there he was this morning, running across the flour underneath our tv cabinet: Mister Mouse.

Header sunrise

I have to admit, I did not expect Mister Mouse to make an appearance, but after the initial surprise, I did have to admit he looked kind of cute. I'm a little bit afraid he will want us to share our food with him though. I don't think writing our names on the packages will deter him much.

Yes, our new roommate might pose a problem...

In other news, my fingers are cold! The wood stove heat hasn't reached our desks yet. I really should switch my schedule around to accomodate some extra tv/reading time in the morning, next to the wood stove... but then, how would I write my morning posts?

So, yesterday, I didn't do much of anything I think. Nothing worth mentioning atleast. Today, I don't have many plans either.

We ordered groceries online! My boyfriend can now just drive to the store after work and pick up the pre-packed groceries. How nice is that? We won't always do that, but it's useful for busy weeks or weeks with low energy levels.

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, but it's hard to type with cold fingers like these! I'll just wrap this up and move back to the comforting warmth of our fire. Don't forget to check out the new Marvelous Tales contest!

Have a good day!

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Sadly for the little will die :P

but it was so cute!

Ah the wood stove the real feel of a home... probably attracted the mouse, but careful as mouse begets mice.

Sadly, it's the only form of heating we have. Gonna get crowded in here huh!

If it's warmer than outside... probably a god chance!

Good morning to you and to mr. Mouse :)

Wood heat has its drawbacks, but I'd love it here in this house. Stay warm as you can!

It is a really nice warmth. I do think I'll miss central heating once winter is here though :-)


In the old house, we heard a nice long squee in the trap under the basement, where there were pipes connecting. We also heard scurrying. Now I am inspired to write the story in a post. I will tag you for inspiring me :) It's a funny one too.

Try not to kill the mouse :o If you catch him, you can put him outsied and he can find a place to hibernate perhaps... Anyway, I try not to kill rodents. Unless you buy him an aquarium and adopt him?

Ooh awesome, I'm going to read that story!

I don't really want to kill him, but from what I gather, mouses inside the cabin has happened before. My boyfriend's dad has venom and lethal mouse traps. I think he would just look at me funny and sigh if I were to try and capture them alive. I'm afraid it won't just be the one this winter :-(

Oh no! Then I hope you don't catch them and they find a way to stay hidden lol

You can order groceries online? :0 <3

As for your new roommate combined with all the freezing weather, that's a huge nope from me. I am scared of most things that move. I like your morning posts, even though they are like evening posts to me.

Stay warm!
<3 shello

Yeah, we can order them online for a small fee. If you go over a minimum of money, you can pick them up, pre-packed. If you go over a higher minimum, you can even have them delivered, though fees are higher for that. It's a nice option if you don't have much time or energy :-)

I get scared of moving things too, but with mice, it'll mostly be because of the surprise. Once upon a time, when me and my brother were still living at home with my mum, the cat brought in a living mouse who then quickly hid under the piano. My brother yelled for me to come downstairs and I found him with feet up onto the desk chair, telling me there was a mouse...

So I put on my mum's gloves and cornered the mouse to pick it up and drop it off outside. I was also the go-to gal for frogs and birds, though my mum was okay with saving birds aswell.

Happy to hear you enjoy reading my morning/evening posts :D

You are hella brave, I would have ran screaming, easily. That sounds similar to Aloha2Go or Bitesquad for us here, where we can have any restaurants food delivered to the door. I would imagine the grocery service being useful, especially when it's cold out, but I'm actually one of those people who like to wander in stores for long periods of time x3

Your brother is such a man lmao

Mhmm! I gotta be reading more in general, and it's nice to look forward to people's blogs when they write something everyday! <3

Good morning @playfulfoodie how was your night? i see you have a new roommate and i hope you will blend together.

Hi there! My night was fine, thank you. How was yours?

Sorry for the cold finger @playfulfoodie . Extend my greeting to mister mouse 😋

I have a few room mates also. I have a mouse phobia, I'm ready to move. lol.

Oh no, gotta get rid of those unwanted house guests!

Good morning. @playfulfoodie has a new crush :) hahaha

Happy Morning Dear @playfulfoodie, Have a nice day and best wishes.

Great article and information.

I'll check out the marvellous tales contest.
Have a great day too @playfulfoodie

Good morning @playfulfoodie, nice to see you this morning. I know your roommate is sure gonna be a good one. I'll look out to the marvelous tales contest. And also i'll be waiting to hear the winner of the of the #gamingexperience contest today.

Do have a nice day ma'am👋

good mornong! have a nice day!

morning time very valuable for every thing,you done best ever post on the morning steemit post morning views was most beautiful,i like u work.