Good morning Steemit

in #blog7 years ago

How are you doing today?

Header sunrise

I feel good this morning. Got my breakfast here and I've just been browsing a bit for cake recipes. I kind of wanted to make a basic cake, but I only have one of the four main ingredients. I will have to substitute the others... They are the regular substitutes I always use, but still, I wonder how substituting 75% of a cake will turn out. I might just make it an apple cake if my apples are still okay.

On the other hand, I could also make Baklava... All I'd need for that is to run over to the neighbours and buy an orange. I haven't decided yet which one I want to make. I actually want to make both, but I can't make both. Who will eat it? I still have the pepernoten here aswell!

So... that's what's keeping my mind busy this morning!

Sticking to the subject of food, I finally remembered to take pictures of my curry! I went a bit overboard on the spinach though, but hey, this dish turns out differently every time I make it, depending on the veggies I throw in there and the amount of them.


Some of the frozen peas tasted pretty aweful, so I won't be buying this bag again. In fact, I'll probably throw the rest of the bag out. I need frozen peas again for tonight's dinner, but we're having dinner guests and I can't very well feed them aweful peas, can I? My mum is coming over for dinner and my boyfriend's dad is coming over aswell. He was going to eat pizza with my boyfriend's sister, but he didn't feel like that and wanted pasta instead.

We'll be going over to my boyfriend's sister in the evening for her husband's birthday party! My mum will be staying over here and she'll sleep here aswell, but she'll manage fine without us. She will be sleeping over every other friday after her course, because the drive back home is too much for her in the evening after such a busy day. It's fun, I'll have some quality time with her every other week!

Right, so I haven't talked about yesterday yet, have I? It wasn't too eventful anyway. I did some steeming, Netflixing and that was basically it. Oh, and I had a little lunch problem. I wanted to have cucumber, tomatoes and avocado for lunch, but none of the avocados were ripe enough yet. Half a cucumber didn't really do much for me and I didn't want to finish the whole package of tomatoes. I needed some for dinner and for today! I was thinking I probably left my buckwheat back at my old home, but apparently, I had been smart enough to pack that up on one of our trips. So I figured I'd make a buckwheat pancake. I still had some coconut milk and mixed together with some water to the right consistency, that was perfect for my lunch! I also remembered we still had some cheese in the fridge, so I had a buckwheat pancake with cheese! I covered it with a bit of apple syrup (sorry, I just had to!) and it tasted pretty good! Today's lunch is the leftovers from yesterday's curry.

In the evening, we went out for some groceries so I could get the right sauce for my pasta tonight and so my boyfriend could get a chicken for tomorrow's dinner. Then we had to do dishes and after that, we watched two episodes of Vikings. Oh, and I almost forgot, I also made whipped cream ice cream yesterday. Didn't turn out as good as it did last time though. Gotta get the amounts of flavoring right.

And that, my friends, is about all I have to say for today.

Have a good day!

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good morning @playfulfoodie, my day started kind of terrible because my mother lost one of her close friend. She has been crying but well we will get over it soon. I can see your day is already schedule. I wish you the very best. Dont forget to get me my pizza (laughing)

Aww, I'm so sorry to hear that :-(

Thanks ma

Lols, it actually depends on which it the recipe you are substituting...

Take for instance, you can substitute baking powder with soda and still have same result.

But baking is life, because you can experiment.

Very true! I would substitute eggs, butter and sugar, which is okay, but it would not be the same consistency and airyness as a regular cake. I ended up making baklava :D

Lols, thats nice... You have not been offline.. Was quite worried...

Good morning @playfulfoodie. i can see you're having a good time with your mum. That's really lovely. You remembered me of my late mum. I lost her when i was a kid. (Sobbing)
Have a good day👋

Aww I'm sorry to hear that!

What I do when just throwing ingredients together is throw in an egg, mix it with sugar (unless I'm using dates) and mix until the granular texture turns to a white-yellow almost liquidy texture, yet still thickish (it's called gogel mogel in Polish). Then I add flour and a bit of almond milk, until the texture seems right. I like to put in orange rind sometimes. You can add some cinammon if you're putting in apple or pear chunks. If you have rum and raisins, you can throw some raisins in, a tiny bit of rum. Whent he cake is cooked, let the bottom of it soak in some rum. Then you have a rum raisin cake :) Hmm, now I want some. I think I might make some.

Oh my gosh, that all sounds so good! It doesn't help that I'm hungry and it's about dinner time now...

Actually, I don't have eggs a lot and I always try to substitute sugar with honey or dates or something like that. I substitute eggs with baking soda and vinegar when I don't have them.

Then, you can use apple sauce instead of eggs to get a less compact effect (I got that trick from a recipe book that includes vegan options, though I'm meat eater, I like to be able to diversify), and soak the dates in boiling water for a bit. Then use a whisker to smoosh the dates up, slowly at first, then they'll get softer. I never use a machine with my dates. Enough water to cover them completely. Your dates will be your sweatener, so to that you can add the other ingredients and you've got yourself a date loaf :p

Oooh that sounds so good! I used apple sauce once or twice before, but keep forgetting about it. Gotta remember next time :D

Well, I do not feel good with this malaise that I charge in my body, it must be flu or something.

The truth is I'm not a big fan of peas, I only taste them in very small portions. but I'm very sure that more than one would love to try that curry. (:

Aww no, I hope you'll feel better soon!