I hope you're all doing well.
Let me tell you about yesterday! We'll start with the bad.
We drove up north yesterday for my dad's birthday and stopped by my house first to pick up some things. This ruined mailbox is what we found.
So you probably already know I hate that neighbourhood and am glad I'm moving out of it. This is just one more reason to want to leave. I'm guessing they ruined this with fireworks. So now I have to leave the door to my garden open, so the mailman will hopefully drop my mail off through the door mail slot. I just hope I didn't miss any important mail that was in there when they ruined it.
On the one hand, I'm very mad and wish I knew who did this. There are some very rotten apples in that neighbourhood and I wish them nothing but misery in their entire life. On the other hand, this just proofs how right I am to leave that horrible place and soon, I won't need a mailbox there anyway.
So, we threw the thing away after I took this picture. I reported it to the police and to my insurance this morning. Ofcourse, police can't do anything with this, but hey, atleast they'll see how crappy the neighbourhood is. Again. Not like anything ever happens either way.
We loaded up our car with the remainder of electrical equipment we still had in the home, and then we were off to my dad's place. He was visiting the doctor with his wife, so we came home to an empty home. Well, except for the dog that is.
Later, I let the cat inside aswell:
Both of the animals have improved. I wasn't even sure if this was the right cat, because he let me pet him and he actually seemed pleased with it! I guess age has something to do with that.
The dog is still young, but he's less scary than when he was a puppy. His teeth are also less sharp now, so that's a big plus. He's still not the best listener, but atleast his energy is a bit lower and he doesn't try to eat me all the time anymore. Now it's just some of the time and I can push him away without too much fear for teeth.
Yeah, I'm definitely a cat person.
He's still cute though.
My dad and his wife came home about 15 minutes after we arrived and we had a nice little time catching up. We drank tea, ate pie and for dinner, we had soup with garlic bread.
We left early in the evening, because we still had a long drive back ahead of us. Once back home, we started a fire in the woodstove and watched The Flash for the rest of the evening. They are finally showing the third season on Netflix!
Today will be a bit slower, because my boyfriend has to be close to his pc for his work. He doesn't have to work perse, but if people call the helpdesk, he's on call today.
So I got some pc time and I'll be able to sort through some mail and messages, yay!
Have a good day!
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Nine article and really sorry for bad emotions you are experiencing :/
Thank you! It's okay, my boyfriend's house had some nasty surprises for us right before selling aswell, I guess we'll just have the same with my house. It will all be over once it's sold :D
Hope it will happen soon since like it is said - My home is my castle - everyone deserves to feel safe and have good emotions back at home after the long day.
The animal are so cool especially the pussy. You really taken good care of them @playfulfoodie
Dog > Cat! :D However I hope it is better now :/
Oh no! Well, dogs can be cute too, but scary aswell! I like the ease of cats, you don't have to walk them many times a day :-)
Yep, that is the bride side, but every cat i have ever met didnt like me :(
Well, the morning started with great joy, Thanks for the blog. Dogs all the way, cats are bchez :3
Oh c'mon all animals are lovely :) well maybe except spiders... I'm terrified!
Hah, that seems to be how my boyfriend feels aswell. Not all cats are like that ;-)