Updates, milestones, birthdays and more

in #blog10 months ago (edited)

Hey there my Hive friends and followers!

I figured it´s about time to post something else than my regular contests here, something authentic and topical, something that will also answer questions that I sometimes get from you guys. My wife just went out for a stroller walk / ride with our daughter so I have like an hour or two to write this post before they get back and the apartment will be again filled with our baby´s joyful screams and babblings that are so cute to hear but not so "writing friendly" if you know what I mean :)

So yeah, let me start out this little update post with the person that has been requiring the most attention from us and that´s our adorable little big girl Flora aka Florinka, Florecita, Florisek etc. etc. Just 3 days ago, on May 4, she celebrated what we called a "half birthday" as she turned exactly 6 months old that day. In fact, my (full :D) birthday was shortly before that but the numbers are getting awkwardly and uncomfortably high in my case so I´m definitely not going to talk about it :D Back to Florecita instead. I cannot even express how much of a blessing this little bundle of joy has been to us. You might remember from my older posts about her how confused, tired and lost we felt during the first weeks in the new role of being parents but Florinka has been trying really hard to make parenthood as easy and comfortable for us as possible. She is just so much fun to be around during the day. She is super active (maybe even a bit hyperactive :D) and physically advanced for a 6 month old so she does require a constant attention and supervision, which is actually quite tiring sometimes, but for the most part, she is in a very positive and joyful mood, smiling and laughing most of the time. She does have occasional mood swings in the evening and it might be a bit difficult to make her sleep sometimes but once she falls asleep, she almost always sleeps through the whole night without a single wake up or a cry. Last night, for example, she slept 12 hours straight, from 10 PM to 10 AM. Very unusual for a 6 month old, I know. Most of my friends who have babies of similar age still have to wake up with their babies like every 2 hours or so. Honestly, I don´t know if I could manage something like that, especially with my insomnia, so thank you Florecita for being so generous to us! :) I wish I could share some videos with you to show you our little princess "in action" with all her funny moves, sounds and gestures but we want to give her some privacy and anonymity here, which would be impossible in videos (I mean at least with my notorious photo / video editorial skills :D) so let me at least show you a picture of us that we took on her "half birthday" :)


Now a few lines about me and Hive. There was a milestone that I would normally celebrate with big joy and pride but because of the circumstances mentioned below, I´m not sure if I should even mention it. I just turned the 79 reputation. I was always excited about reaching all kinds of milestones here on Hive when I was a fulltimer here and I even remember that I did some calculations back then according to which I should have already been in the elite 80+ rep club by now but because of the reasons described in some of my older posts (for example here), I had to give up on the fulltimer status more than a year ago and my growth here has been slowing down since then, just like my overall activities and engagement. Another reason why it feels a bit weird to celebrate any milestones here for me now is the fact that my power down will eventually be much more significant than I originally planned. And this is where the Hive update starts to intertwine with the real life update.

After moving from Prague back to my hometown and figuring out all the necessary things and processes to settle down here as a family, my plan was to find a "real job" so that I have a regular source of income to cover our life expenses and can also thus stop the power downs and selling off Hive. The idea was that I would probably go back to what I did before Hive and that was mostly translation and copywriting / staff writing. I used to be pretty good at these things. I translated hundreds of movies and documentaries from English to Czech after I completed my university studies (I actually have degrees in English Philology) and I thought I would just pick up where I left off back then. However, I didn´t realize that these branches were among the very first ones that have been recently taken over by AI. I quickly found out that the demand for translators and (any kind of) writers has dropped dramatically as more and more companies let AI do these kind of jobs now. So obviously, finding some job will be much more difficult for me and it´s already obvious that it will most probably be a job from completely different fields of work where I won´t be able to take advantage of my education, background and experience, which will probably also result in (much) smaller salary than I hoped for. Yeah, pretty dismal news and findings on this front but it is what it is.

With that being said, unfortunately, this is also why my power downs will most probably have to continue, no matter how hard and frustrating it is for me. I mean it´s really not easy to watch the stake that I have been building here step by step, Hive by Hive, for many years be ruined and sold off at these ridiculous prices. And it´s not fun either not to be able to give the appropriate amount of support to my Hive friends and favorite authors as I was used to do for so long. I really miss the times when my upvote was worth something and when it could even make a difference for some people here. I mean having to sell off your Hive earnings really sucks but right now, there is no other option for me. The only thing that I can do right now is to promise myself and the community that once I find a job that will cover my expenses, I will start building my Hive stake again, be it from the very scratch or from a few thousand Hive that I might manage to spare somehow. We will see. A massive price pump would help me a lot here but honestly, I don´t count on one anymore, as much as people love to talk about the bulls, moons and lambos these days. Despite all that, what we can really see is Hive dropping down the market cap ranking slowly but steadily almost every week. But this is for another post and I don´t want to digress to much here.

Another kind of update that I promised some time ago was the work out update. As you might remember from this post, I happened to be able to set up my own (tiny) home gym and I was really excited to start working out again and get back my shape from Prague where I used to work out regularly. In fact, the first weeks were pretty promising as I was making quite a lot of progress and it seemed that I would be back on track soon. However, later on, I kind of started to feel like stagnating again. I blame it mostly on my inconsistency as even though I literally have the gym in my own apartment now, I still don´t work out as regularly as I hoped. Unfortunately, with the approaching summer, it will be even harder to be more regular with my work out routine as the scorching sun will most probably turn the gym into a sauna but whatever, any work out counts and I need to get as many of them as possible. Right now, the maximum weight that I can put on the bench press is 90 kg (I mean I could lift more but I cannot put more plates on the bar as they are too big but light, I picked the wrong plates :D) and I can pull off as many as 7 reps in one set with those 90kg, which means, according to some online bench press 1 RM (1 rep max) calculators, that my current 1 RM is somewhere around 110 kg. Not bad after such a long break but I was still hoping for a slightly better result. We will see where my shape and performance will be in a few months from now. I will try to keep you updated on this thing too.

So yeah, that´s it I guess. I´m sorry it eventually turned into a quite lengthy and ranty post but I don´t do these things often so hopefully, you were not bothered too much. I´m also sorry there were not more pictures here as my blog has always been greatly visual but I somehow don´t find any that would fit the text. I will try to come up with some nice colorful travel posts again soon though, I miss writing them and I still have a lot of unused material from a variety of cool places that I have visited. If only I had more time for all the things that I would like to do, engaging here with you guys being one of them... Thank you so much everyone for your support, feedback and engagement, even though I cannot really give much of that back right now :/



This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Traveling, Photography, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Sport, Fitness and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)


Hi my friend, it has been a long time to read your irregular post :) I hope everything is okay and you will have much more time to devote to HIVE ;)

Thanks mate. I really wish I had more time for Hive but it probably won´t happen any time soon. For a variety of reasons. But I´m glad that many are still active here on daily basis, including you :) Cheers!

Půl roku, jo? To to letí :) Gratuluju k děvětasedmdesátce. A všiml jsem si, že ty upvoty už nejsou tak silné, jak bývaly :)

Díky :) No jo no, nejsou a bude ještě hůř. Však to taky hned někteří z mých podporovatelů zjistili a svou podporu dle toho "upravili". A já to samozřejmě chápu. Taky jsem nikdy moc nechtěl podporovat uživatele, kteří hned všechno vyváděli ven. Ale co se dá dělat. S tou prací v mém původním oboru to teď opravdu nevypadá růžově. Mám pocit, že tebe taky živila / živí práce s textem. Ty zatím žádný tlak ze strany AI nevnímáš? :)

Ne, protože už mě asi pět let neživí :) Myslím, že čeští kontenťáci jsou zatím v klidu, AI zatím krade takové ty zoufalosti typu: tady je dvacet článků, přepiš je svými slovy a dostaneš za to tisícovku. Nemusíš tomu rozumět, nemusí to moc dávat smysl, ale musí to vypadat originálně. Složitější a lépe placená zadání jsou, zdá se, stále psaná lidmi. Ale jak šly nebo nešly ceny s inflací nahoru, to ti už nepovím.

Jak moc se situace změnila na trhu copywritingu, to nevím. Já nikdy nebyl klasický copywriter, kdysi jsem psával analýzy pro sázkovky a pak několik let dělal staff writera pro jeden americký zábavní portál typu Bored Panda nebo Listverse. Takže v téhle oblasti moc přehled nemám. Ale u překladu vím docela určitě, že AI už ten trh slušně deformuje. Bavil jsem se o tom s některými svými spolužáky z univerzity, kteří u překladu zůstali až doteď. Prý to začíná být fakt bída. Jeden kamarád, co taky překládá filmy, mi říkal, že to sice dělá dál, ale že musel s cenou hodně dolů, takže už se dostává do bodu, kdy už se tím ani moc živit nedá. A to má v tom oboru vzdělání i letitou praxi...

We will allways be here, and so are you, all the best and greez my friend, big respect for you!

Thank you Sandy! I miss my Hive fulltimer days and hope they will come back :) Cheers!


Florecita de nuestra vida :*

Happy half birthday 🎂

Thanks man! :)

Florecita es una niña muy amable, guapa e inteligente 😍. Olivia todavía se despierta 2 veces en la madrugada y es bastante agotador pero espero más tarde lo superemos, el tiempo va volando.

Interesante conocer más sobre tu vida mi amigo.

Lo siento, apenas veo esta publicación porque el tiempo es escaso, tu lo sabes. Solo me queda decirte: ánimos, sé que es difícil, te entiendo perfectamente, pero todo va a pasar y será mejor. Un abrazo!

Muchas gracias por este lindo comentario amigo mío y lamento responder tan tarde pero como dijiste, el tiempo escasea en estos días. Abrazos y saludos para Oli y sus maravillosos padres! :)

Nice to hear a little update from you!

I know exactly how you feel like with baby and Hive. Somewhere around that time, my Hive carrer paused as well. I simply couldn't do both. Now, they are bigger but still, no time or better say desire is not strong enough.

But yes, being a parent can't be compared to anything. Whole new level, which is definitely not easy.

Hope to see each other around on Hive from time to time anyway.

Congratulations to both your daughter and you for (half) birthdays.

Ohhhh and I don't know if I announced it here, but I am expecting my 3rd baby in about 2.5 months. Ohhh happy times...

Another thing! 12 hours sleep? Say what? No way... You are cheeting somehow. My oldest will be 5 in couple of days and probably set a record last Sunday when he was sleeping till 7:45 AM. Not to mention that he woke up in the middle of the night and came sleeping to us.

But hey sleep is overrated in my eyes :)

Andy! Hey there! So nice to read a comment from you mate :) Whaaat? Third baby on the way? Wow! Man, this is huge! Congrats! And my utmost respect to you and your wife, that´s some very advanced level of parenthood right there! :) I hope everything will be ok and the delivery will be smooth. That will also mean even less time for Hive for you but just like you said, I still hope we will get to meet up here from time to time :) I wish I could agree with you on that sleep statement but as a chronic insomniac, I cannot :D :/ Sleep is vital. But that only makes me appreciate the blessing that Flora´s sleeping routine has been for us even more. Yes, she literally sleeps like an adult. No wake ups, no cry. Just peaceful solid sleep for many hours straight every night. Blessings indeed.

Thank you so much for stopping by Andy. All the best to you and your family!

Thank you for all the kind words!

I am gonna catch some sleep now and hope my son Luka will wake me up just in time to watch Luka Doncic play live at 3:30 am :)
Yes, I regret that decision sometimes, but hey that is life :)

Have a good one and all the best to all of you as well!

I know you have been watching those games :) In fact, I have been following NBA more closely this year too, I was very curious about Wemby. There was so much hype about this young fella. Btw interesting how most of the greatest NBA players right now are from Europe :) Also good to see Luka and Joker be friends. Such cool dudes :)

Btw what decision do you regret? I didn´t get this one...

Regret waking up to watch games :)
Especially if game is not interesting or Luka play bad game. I don't wake up fpr regular season, but for Playoffs I saw all but one live. Probably will skip next one since 2 am is really not worth it.

Would be nice to see Joker and Luka playing together. Wemby is good. I glad I have 10 more Luka years to come. Hope we get to Olympics this year.

@tipu curate

Happy half birthday for little Florecita 🌺 and happy full birthday for you 💪🏻 🥳🎂🎉🎊🎁
Life has its ups and downs and we must go with the flow, we are living hard times, all of us around the world, sometimes we need to do things that we don't like very much but we have to do it to be able to move forward 🤷🏻‍♀️.
I wish you good luck and positive vibes in everything you do ✨🤞🏻🧿🍀 and don't worry if you can't be here in Hive as much as you'll wish, we love you anyway 🤗.
Much love to all of you 🌺🌹💪🏻

Awww, my favorite Hive superhero never let me down :) Thank you so much for these kind and encouraging words my friend, they really mean a lot. Hugs and greetings from Czechia to Venezuela! :)

👊🏻 superheroes never let anyone fall my friend 👊🏻.
Cheer up 💪🏻, it's just a phase that you need to live, you need this lesson at this time in your life and the universe is putting it in front of you 🤷🏻‍♀️, I'm sure that you will take the best of all this and that you'll return triumphant and with many ideas and wonderful things to share here on Hive 🤗
You're welcome querido amigo 🌻

Much love to my favorite Czech team 🌹🌺💪🏻

Happy weekend 😺🤘🏻🤗

Thanks again my friend, you are such a lovely soul :)

You're welcome dear @phortun 🌻🤗

🙈🙈🙈🙃 oh, thanks 🤗 you're so sweet 🧁😺

Sounds like things have been quite busy for you. I am glad you all seem to healthy and well though, that's what is most important. I wish I was able to lift that much. I haven't tried to bench press since I was in high school. I have a feeling it wouldn't go so well today.

Busy indeed and not everything goes as planned but just like you said, I have a beautiful and healthy family and that´s the most important thing. Thanks for stopping by, I hope you are doing alright!

Doing well thanks!


Thank you @zirochka! :)

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Předně gratulace oběma! Hlavně hodně zdraví!

Fakt mě mrzí, že se s tebou Hive takhle nemazlí, protože minimálně za tu odvahu vstoupit (asi jako vůbec možná jeden z prvních Čechů) na full-time do něčeho jinýho, než je krypto král Bitcoin, by sis to imho zasloužil...

Co se týče toho benche, tak použij pauzovaný opakování, nebo tempo. Ono když s tou devadesátkou půjdeš třeba 5 vteřin dolů a dole ještě v tenzi pár vteřin podržíš, tak se možná zase vrátíš na 2-3 opáčka. :D

Prostě když nemáš kam růst s vahou, zkus zvýšit time under tension...

Díky moc! :)

No, nemazlí... Jak se to vezme. Já to vnímám spíš tak, že jsem si tady tu kariéru fulltimera ukončil sám svým laxním (možná spíše zoufalým) přístupem k tradingu. Loni jsem o tom psal v tom článku, co na něj odkazuju v textu, možná jsi to tehdy četl...

Jo tak jasně, že existují způsoby, jak si ztížit cvik, když ti dojde závaží. Těžší úchop, delší čas pod napětím, víc opáček, víc sérií... U benche ale prostě jedeš na maximálku, tak jsem to vyřešil tak, že jsem další kotouče přivázal na provázky a pověsil mezi ty kotouče na ose :D

Cheer up amigo! As the song says: "everything is gonna be alright", these are stages, everything passes, we must keep hope and even if we have other occupations, never stop doing even a little of what we love. Happy birthday! A hug :)

Thank you Sofia! Well, I didn´t mean this post to sound so negative, it was meant to be just an update with some great news about our little princess but it somehow ended up sounding a bit ranty :D :/ I guess I just haven´t fully got used to the fact that I cannot do Hive for living anymore and that I need to find a job. But yeah, like you said, it will be fine ;) Thanks for your kind words and encouragement! Hugs back to Venezuela!

I hear you! Sometimes you start writing one thing and something else comes out, which was also necessary hahaha

We must see the positive side, with a job outside of Hive, you can accumulate HP and gradually return to what you had, and hopefully someday the currency will rise and so return exclusively to here :)

That would be awesome. I really love how you guys from LaTam always tend to think positively, no matter what :) I miss living in such atmosphere :(

It's true, that characterizes us 😁

Then you have the mission to be the one who spreads the positive energy around you 😃✨

That´s right. I will try :)

Worry not. You are just taking a small step back to leap farther later on with your stake. You have a beautiful family and that has no price. Happy half birthday to Flora xD

Thanks mate, I wish it was just a small step back but I have already had to sell off some 90% of the stake that I was building here for years. But yeah, you are totally right about the family. Thank you, will give our little flower your wishes :) Cheers!

O maaaan..tak to je pekne na hovno, setky tie roky studovania a dnes to za Teba urobi AI..musim sa priznat,ze to sam robievam,pac moja anglictina je viac menej z pocutia naucena a asi aj preto ziadne posty neprodukujem..
predavat tazko zarobeny hive za tuto sumu je hriech,srdcervuce,ale uplne to chapem..zivot sa nepyta a veselo ide dllalej..
Kazdopadne gratulujem k 79ke.. ze ci boha,uz Ti tiahne na osomdesiatku..
Pozdravujem rodinku..

Nepsat posty jen kvůli tomu, že nemáš dobrý psaný projev (nebo máš možná jen ten pocit) je celkem škoda. Navíc bys mohl jít hlavně vizuální cestou, postovat ty úžasné dronovky irské krajiny a k tomu třeba dopsat jen pár vět, odkud přesně to je a tak :) Ale rozhodně tě nechci do ničeho nutit, už jen proto, že to zní blbě od někoho, kdo to tady v podstatě balí :D :/

Rozprodávat takhle pod cenou něco, co člověk roky usilovně buduje, to opravdu bolí, to máš pravdu, ale co nadělám. Neměl jsem ten trading tak zanedbávat. Inu, chybama se člověk učí :)

Taky zdravíme!

Aaaaaaaale, nikam nejdes a nic nebalis.. len riesis dolezitejsie veci co je uplne pochopitelne..Ti vravim, este spolocne oslavime Tvoju 80ku..

mas uplnu pravdu ohladom mojho postovania.. bohuzial moja hlava je for some stupid reason nastavena na perfekcionizmus, ci je to ohladom textu, alebo samotnych obrazkov.. som debilne nastaveny v hlave ze pokial to ma byt shit, tak to radsej nepostnem..(s tymto bojujem uz 38 rokov).. taktiez riesim 1000 roznych veci naraz a pritom neriesim nic poriadne, proste taky zmeteny magor ktory ani nevje co v zivote vlastne chce(living in a moment)..
coskoro koncim skolu a verim ze toto leto v irsku bude opakom toho minulorocneho, lebo on juna iba jebalo, sorry za vyraz, ale ono fakt iba jebalo a jebalo, takze sa dronovat nedalo. neslubujem ze budem aktivne postovat, lebo v tomto som si uz nasral do ust presne pred rokom, ale urcite sa o njeco pokusim, aj ked mi v tom skoncenie pinmapplu urcite nepomoze... boha, dufam ze to po nich njekto prevezme, lebo ta komunita bola gold pre cely hive!

no nic, som sa dajako rozpisal..
see u around..

...a pak že neumíš psát! :D Takový román :D Já jsem taky do určité míry perfekcionista (byť teda u mě se to už dávno překlopilo vyloženě do OCD ve všech možných formách), ale tady jsem na sebe zas tak vysoké nároky nekladl. Ono to ani dost dobře nejde, když to chceš dělat na fulltime a postovat denně, tak jak jsem to dělal dřív. To prostě musíš občas poslat do světa i něco, co není že úplně raketa :D Tak se toho neboj.

Btw 1 zajímavé, že tady ve Slezsku používáme slovo "jebat" ve všech možných kontextech, ale jako "pršet" teda ne :D Tady když prší, tak "chčije" :D

Btw 2 při tom rep algoritmu osmdesátku asi oslavím dřív tu životní než reputaci tady :D ;)

I can't believe 6 months has passed already, time is running so quickly! I'm glad you and your lil family are doing okay :)

I am sorry that you have to power down your hive but at least you had it here waiting for you for the rainy days. Hopefully you get a job that you will enjoy as much as hive and will give you a more stable income :)

More than 7 months now are actually :) Yeah, time flies! Thanks :) Honestly, it felt more like rainy years than days while relying on Hive as the main/only source of income so it will surely be a change for the better to have something more stable and reliable now :) Thank you for stopping by!

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Thank you guys! :)

We hope that your family remains healthy and enthusiastic about carrying out activities

Thank you.

Felicidades eres un ejemplo de constancia y dedicación..

Gracias amigo.

Ať se vám vše daří, rodinko ;⁠)

Moc děkujem :)

Happy six months old to Flora
You seem to have a fantastic family

Thank you!

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