NLP - What Is It? Why it can change your life!?

in #blog7 years ago


So what is NLP?

NLP was founded in the 70's by Professor Jhon Grinder and Dr.Richard Bendler. NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Since then until now NLP evolved to be a tool to transform and gain success in different domains. Business, heal and communication, NLP can help you with all those things!
In the 90's NLP techniques evolved to their third generation with many breakthroughs that brought faster and more accurate results.

NLP is the methodology that based on the assumption that every behavior has a certain structure. This structure is different from person to person and can be observed and learn in order to bring change. This technology is teaching us how to access our subconscious (or unconscious) and bring change on a deeper level.

This tool integrates three scientific domains: Neurology, Linguistics, and Behavioural sciences.

N - Neuro

The understanding of the neurological processes in our brain that responsible for perceiving information from our five senses(visual auditory kinesthetic gustatory and olfactory) to process and translate them to experiences.

L - Linguistic

Identification of the brain activity through analysis of linguistic patterns that expressed through verbal communication (the way we speak) and also our internal thinking patterns that expressed through internal dialog (The movies that in our head is how I like to put it).

P - Programming

Organizing the results of the Neurological and Linguistic patterns in our brain and include the defining of goals and the ways to get them.

Today there is more and more scientific research that shows us the brain is open for change. NLP is an approach with many techniques which help us understand and organize the way we think to get the results we want while using the capabilities inherent is us. The techniques are based on the research of excellence in successful people, therefore, is also called "The Excellence Method".

Those guys documented the excellence in their fields like:

Dr. Milton Erickson, famous American psychiatrist and psychologist specializing in medical hypnosis and family therapy which brought a huge change to our understanding of hypnosis and the way we think. Ericson is the founder of Ericksonian therapy (or Ericksonian Hypnosis).

Virginia Satir - Virginia Satir was an American author and social worker, known especially for her approach to family therapy and her work with family reconstruction.

Fritz Perls - Friedrich Salomon Perls, better known as Fritz Perls, was a noted German-born psychiatrist and psychotherapist.

Gregory Bateson -Gregory Bateson was an English anthropologist, social scientist, linguist, visual anthropologist, semiotician, and cyberneticist whose work intersected that of many other fields.

By watching these people work they modeled excellence and, which connect the language with the nervous system. They created a new approach, easy to learn with quick overwhelming results. Today people learn and use NLP around the world in different domains like Self-help, Business, and Sells, Therapy, Politics and much more.

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Thank you for your effort

Great post about NLP. I'm a bit familiar with due Tony Robbins and some german speakers. It's always fascinating. I think NLP is a bit discredited because it is often placed on the same footing as manipulation and i think it can be used for. But manipulation is also in positive manner called influence and people who do that with the best intention can change the life of people for the positive and that's great. Because we are most of the time bound between helplessness and habit (see Brian Tracy) so it's very important that there are methods to free people from that curse. And i think if someone is ready than he can change his life for the better!

Thank you my full upvote!

Thank you for the best comment and upvote ;D
You are right but I think once some one is learning NLP he understands his inners self a bit better and becomes a better person who gets that he does not need to harm others to get what he wants :) the opposite! you have to give value in order to get value ^^

I started with NLP went on to hypnosis and finally got to EFT. These days I only use EFT why? Because it has the same effects but much quicker. Just Neutralize the bad experinece from the subconscious mind and let the subject fill in a positive perception. The brain will do the rest. Most of the time the effect is immediate and in less than 20 minutes. The other beauty of EFT is that the subject doesn't need to talk about their experience (so no shame barrier), he or she just need to go back to the negative experience that's all.

That depends on the results you want to get! I never said NLP is the best or the only tool :)
But I do think It can be great self-help method for many people and that's why I want to promote this blog!

Don't get me wrong I don't think NLP is better or worse. For a start NLP got me on the road of selfhelping after watching some of Bandlers stuff. All methods whether it's NLP, hypnosis or EFT have all their own benefits and trades. To a layman I would advise to start with NLP to figure out your innerworkings. Than go back into your memories and remove any negatives with EFT to finish the job. Top it of with some selfhypnosis for some re-enforcement. ;)

And there is much more that me and you still haven't learned about yet ;P

Well that's the reason why you and I are still walking around trapped in this carbon bag filled with water. ;)

Haha great perspective to life!
we are nothing but a complex set of carbons P:

Like Bill Hick used to say: Matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is a dream (simulation) and we are the imagination of ourselves.


I read a lot about NLP and I vaguely remember the 'Excellence Method' from my AP Psych class. I always liked this material; it focuses on increasing the ability of the individual, as I understood it. More people could use real scholarly articles about this.

K Scratch

I can promise you that in the future I will learn NLP and be one of the people who will push this into science and research!

Very interesting post! I studied some NLP techniques some years ago for my previous job (I was a project manager and office chief, really interesting techniques ;)

Thank you! Its fun to have some people with knowledge here :D


I've always been curious as to whether or not the imperfections of various languages inhibit this sort of thing. Would be interesting to find the optimal language for NLP - I'd read that study immediately.

It's not the language, more how you use them! ;D
(the language you speak does have an effect but that's not what nlp talks about mostly)

Isn't this the technique used by the webbot creator?

I don't think so O:


Are we talking about the same NLP? 🤔

great work! keep it up!

thank you brother!

Wonderful. Since long I have been contemplating to get certified in NLP. It's a very helpful and beautiful transformation tool.

You are right! I'm reading a lot about it and im going to learn it in the future :D

thanks to educate us. great post

Thank you very much :D

I first heard about NLP from the American motivational speaker Anthony Robbins. It has helped me a lot.

Tonny Robbins is a legend in what he is doing! A real self-help guru!
You should watch his netflix movie "I am not your guru" and check Richard Bendler aswell :)

Thanks for your suggestions. I have been reading motivational books for ages.

You have the right mind set!
people like us should support each other toward our goals :)

Wonderful, this is my 1st time reading about NlP, thanks for sharing

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HAHA thank you very much, my dear brother ^^

Great Post...

Followed and Upvoted.

Thank you very much! :D

wow, amazing content. @paps, can you please share your personal experience regarding NLP?

As for now I still haven't learned it officially but I do read and watch a lot on the subject.
It helped me deal with stuff, focusing on my goals and improve my life and I think the biggest thing is the tools to communicate better with others and help them if needed!
It can basically change the way you think and your view of the reality to a more productive and smart way to look at things. :)

Congratulations @paps!
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great post @paps!

Photo on 12.07.17 at 21.19.jpg

Thank you, my dear brother! :)

Great post!

Thank you!

Very informative post ...I like to see new information about how to make our life better :) Thanks for posting! ^_^

Thanks! keep following ^^

First time hearing about this, its good to be in the know about every topic.

Stay with me to know more :)

Great post. Based on your interest in this topic, I think you'll like my book "Is Intelligence an Algorithm?".

great one paps again!

good post

I was watching a crypto channel on youtube a while ago, one of the guy's videos was about NLP.

Cool ;p
NLP doesn't have much with Crypto, this is more psychology than real programming ;D

I know it's psychology. It helped him mentally to face the challenges of trading to achieve success. I learned a lot about trading from his channel.

nice!!! tnx for the videos I also trade and learn NLP, two of my main worlds.

I upvoted and followed you.. nice to meet you as I have used NLP on occasion for myself.

Its fun talking to people who know and understand those things :)
Thank you very much for following!

So this method is in a nutshell what I "try" and utilize my dreaming for! As in, it is my perfect simulation and gives me the ability to carry out any experience to try and get my "NLP" in balance. i have read this about four times today. And probably will read it another four before I go to bed. 👍🏻

Well, NLP is a set of methods and techniques and my article is not describing them.
But you should read about the techniques (or wait for my future posts).
Try searching for the sub modalities and how you can use them to influence the way you feel (or how much) :)

I've been reading up on NLP quite a bit actually there is even a youtube/trader that talks about it quite a bit and applies to his trading. Adam Khoo I think you would love his stuff too... cheers mate

Someone here sent it to me! he is awesome :D

Wow! An absolutely fantastic post! I learnt a lot. It seems like a lot of time and effort went into this post and I am sure everyone who reads this post recognizes that. Keep it up @paps!

Thank you very much, my brother! :D