You may wake up in the middle of the night just to drink water or go to the bathroom, and when you get back it's a bit difficult to get back to sleep. This often happens to many, to feel a presence that comes from somewhere in the room. Well, after a few investigations in the great google, these are some of the explanations that I found:

An investigation carried out by the scientist Colin Clifford, of the Vision Center University of Sydney, affirms that this sensation is the product of a sense of 'alarm' of our brain. That is, although no one is watching you, your sense of alertness is always on, because instinctively, we believe that a dark room is easy prey to the supernatural
On the other hand, we find that Parapsychologists and other researchers believe that this phenomenon is known as the effect of psychic glances or in correct scientific terms such as scopaesthesia, although other experts suggested that there is no one closer, the feeling of being awake supernatural phenomenon.
However, according to the previous theory, science does not recognize the existence of this phenomenon and considers that it is caused by psychological problems. Both believers and skeptics have not yet been able to give an explanation of the sensation of being observed. It is for this reason that other experts in the paranormal have suggested that its origin lies in the presence of entities of other dimensions, such as ghosts, spirits, angels or demons.