**The law of attraction** has been a belief used to justify the bad or good luck we may possess. It is believed that thinking in an optimistic way, and seeing our dreams in a possible way will make the universe conspire in our favor and, sooner or later, we will achieve what we have longed for.

And it's not too far from that, thinking in a positive or negative way can increase or decrease the chances of getting what you want, and it's simple, with a good attitude you're predisposed to do what you need to do, and therefore, you'll have more chances of getting things done better. But, I know, it's hard to keep a positive attitude when you're having a bad day, or living in a country chaos.
Despite the fact that it is difficult to maintain a positive attitude, we must try to encourage it, since, even if everything assumes to be black and white, there will always be a possibility of a brushstroke of colour. The success does not come easily, and who is at the top today, failed a thousand times.

The bad vibes are always present wherever we go, so, it's for that, that it's important to always be away from toxic, pessimistic or negative people, because, believe it or not, they consume you, and will only make you unhappy, sad or moody about everything. And from there, you would attribute all your misfortunes to "bad luck" without knowing that you unconsciously created it yourself.
Try to stay in activities that enrich your psyche, your mood, your life, practice a sport, read a book, talk with happy people, have fun, meet with positive people who will only add to your life, and never take away, eliminate all bad vibes from your surroundings, and truthfully, that in the blink of an eye, you will reach your goal.

Thanks for reading my post :D!