1 Year to Change my Life - 1/365

in #blog7 years ago


In the last 100 days of my life, I've tried to get real with myself. I laid out all my goals and set out intentions that I think will reflect the life I picture for myself in the future. It honestly changes every 30 days based on new things I have learned during the weeks of challenging my motivation and will power. What does that mean? Am I being too lenient with myself? Should my goals remain the same regardless of new developments in my life? Am I trying to be too 'perfect' again? I truly haven't kept up with all the plans I made and planned to put into practice as of January 1, 2018. I did do some very productive things, and I am not overly disappointed with how I have spent the first 72 days of 2018. Although, I did make excuses for myself in some areas and I definitely did not apply myself 100% to 100% of the goals I set out. All is not lost, assuming I will survive at least another 50 years, this means I have at least 18,250 days left. I'm restarting my year now, on March 13, 2018. 365 days of change, and I'm taking you along with me (honestly whether you like it or not). Today is day 1/365 of change, I know I can't be perfect, I can't do all the things, all the time and I will likely expect too much of myself at times (it's an awful habit). I would like to be able to say at the end of these 365 days that I ACTUALLY tried my best and didn't make lame excuses for myself. I will be sharing finer details on my goals and posting daily about the process. I am going to be super honest, because not everything is always good, and some people don't share the bad. This is going to be 365 posts of the true progression, thoughts, successes and failures of actually applying myself to everything I decide is worth my time.

Talk soon,


I like this. I don't think changing your goals and intentions is being too lenient on yourself. Life changes constantly, the flow of time never stops. There are certain things that we can control, but a lot of things we also can't, so we adapt. I think changing is good; we're always growing and trying to better ourselves and sometimes we just see that what we thought we need maybe isn't what we actually need and we find a new way to get to what we do need.

I agree! Sometimes I get caught up in the destination that I have to remind myself it is a journey. Progress is up and down, trial and error is a real thing and success sometimes stems from multiple failures. Thank you!