Now a day's work has become a Facebook use. What are you doing now on Facebook? So do not like every update to share on Facebook. And while using this Facebook, many people wear shameful times. Again many people do not know that he is making a mistake. Which is becoming bad for his personality. Many times, many people are losing their jobs in small mistakes like this. So today's post about the tasks that Facebook does not do.
Do not like your picture/post:-
Many people purchased new mobile photos and uploaded their photos. As you upload it, you really mean the mobile. So you do not have to understand how much you liked the image you uploaded.
Many people think that if they like, the picture will show in more news feed. So this is done. And this is also wrong. They also think that they are marketing themselves. So this task is usually a fool and a weakness in your personality.
Do not tag people randomly:-
Tag all people randomly by uploading a photo or posting a post? By tagging in this way, those you tagged will be annoying. Basically, the tag comes when someone in the movie will be tagged with them and tag them. As you've been traveling around, you're posting it, who's there to tag them. That is, it is the feature of tagging those who are connected directly to those posts. Many people are being victimized by tags without reason, and sometimes their accounts are getting spam on Facebook as spam. So use this feature to understand.
Uncomfortable poster for others:-
Many times, many people post or post such things which are uncomfortable for many of their friendlists. For example, smoking cigarettes can be said. You may think it's your personal matter that some of you may see it as a little less because of it. That's enough to spoil the personality. But here is the example of eating cigarettes. Other things may also include.
Job complaints and information:-
Where are you working or the previous job is your complaint and posted on Facebook? This may cause harm to you. As someone at the top of the office sees the basis of the complaint. As a result, you can lose your job. Sensitive information about what you are doing in the future, you can share with the same problem sharing on Facebook or sharing what you are doing in the job. So it is better not to share the charges or what you are doing with the job.
Share another friend's post picture:-
Are your friends married or uploaded a photo? You can comment or like it, but share the post? Or share their profile picture? Maybe you are confusing it all and the original uploader is also uncomfortable. So avoid this kind of work Better.
ID card or passport:-
Always stop sharing your ID card or passport or some such pictures. If you have to, delete the ID card number, date of birth, and then upload it. Otherwise these information may be used to hack your account. The best is not to share and share any reason you do not have it, so it is better to avoid it.
Share something with someone else's words:-
Someone told you to share something so to share? This is also wrong. Maybe the information is false and the person who told you does not know. So, we should not spread false information in any way. After knowing it well, you can share it. Not before. In this case, there are many people who create similar problems in the Facebook timeline. So be careful to share it wisely.
Keep your home address on Facebook? Your friends or acquaintances know your address. Why keep it? Rather it is not for them that you have probably given the address to bad people, what did you think? So in any way, the home address is a wrong thing on Facebook. Try to avoid
There are also a lot of things that we do not share. Good to hide mobile number, birth date, email etc. Also, it is better not to share any information or old passwords related to the password. Always try to share with you.
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