My first day of seventh grade at a new school

in #blog8 years ago

Hello fello steemers as u may already know i havent posted in 15 days.that's a long time but im sorry for the inconvenience. I know that a lot of you guys have been waiting for my next post so here it is. So today was my first day of school of the seventh grade. At first I was excited but when I got there I was nervous.When I walked inside I saw a lot of familiar faces I saw a lot of kids from my classes from forth and second grade.I also saw a couple of kids from my track Team.Me I like the school and it'll put me on a better track to my future.So my first day of school when I got there I was confused and I didn't know where to go but luckily there was a teacher that told me to go to the cafeteria. Then I went to my science class which is my homeroom. In science class we did the cup Tower challenge where you had to use a string and a rubber band to make a tower out of cups. After that I had my math class it is my favorite subject.After math class I had English language arts and.After that I had my social studies class it was pretty nice but it isn't my favorite subject.Finally we had lunch it was pretty fun to learn about the other kids. After lunch I had PE and that was fun because I learned how to play a new game. And then finally we had enrichment which is getting us ready to go home and then I got picked up. I'm sorry that this isn't an interesting or a long blog but on Monday you guys should see a Blog that is more interesting than this because I'm going to Six Flags. So please follow and upvote my post and bye my fellow steamers


Glad you enjoyed your 1st day of class @mrviquezjr aka Nene sounds like a Awesome day!!!!😘😘