It sounds so simple, it is the number one key to happiness in your life and yet most of us fail to understand and practice to properly
In our society we were taught to compare our lives to others. This is actually the number one reason why I think the traditional education system is BS! Because it's all about comparison. The math guy doesn't feel worthy, because his grades in gym class are worse than of those who are bad in math and the opposite way.
Subconsciously we have incredible confidence issues, and especially as a teenager it only gets worse and as a female... well you know.. I actually wrote a blogpost about this topic last year:
Beauty Standards Of 2016 - Kardashians - Instagram - And Diet Teas
Now think about how you treat yourself. Are you hard on yourself and often think you aren't good enough? If questions like the following constantly pop into your head.. you should continue reading...
If I loose 10 pounds, I will be more attractive...
If I find partner, I will be happier...
If I have more money, I my life will be better...
This voice inside your head that is constantly telling you what you need to change about yourself, that is not you!
It never was and never will be. You are YOU, not better, not worse. Actually if we wouldn't have judgement in our language, it wouldn't exist. Good and bad are are decisions, not how something is. It's what you choose to see. And I'm going to keep it real with you, I have this voice in my mind and I haven't gotten rid of, beaten it at some point. This voice can actually be helpful in the right kind of situations, just like fear. It's a tool that historically speaking is meant to protect you as a human being. When you judge a situation, it can be helpful right? But then again the voice doesn't differentiate or know when its needed. That is your job, to recognize when fear or judgement creeps into your mind and then you have the power to make an active choice and decide if you want to listen, or let go.
In the case of judging yourself for something you aren't or don't have, is silly, doesn't help you in any way and only gets you away from any kind of progress. When I hear the voice of doubt, fear, judgement when it's unnecessary, I like to confront it with arguments like the following:
No one is going to love you if you don't love yourself.
No matter where you are on your journey, that's exactly where you need to be.
If we really love ourselves, everything in our life works.
And find other positive attributes that apply to YOU.
Here is a task: Dig deep and find real and honest reasons why you love yourself. Make a list of things you love about yourself, you can do it in form of a love letter and every time you are starting to feel unworthy, read it out loud and add a new point.
I haven't tried this exact method yet, but I do like to have conversations with the voice in my head, confront it and argue with it, until I win.
Often we are afraid to love ourselves because we think it's egoistical. But there is a huge difference between selfishness and practicing self-love. When you love yourself, you are your own best friend, and a best friend is always there to help, guide and be kind. In reality “being there” for yourself is a healthy way to live.
When you go to the doctor to check on your physical health, it means you are taking care of your body, which you identify as the self. But when you know that the self actually isn't your body, you have a body, but you are your heart and your soul.. then why not care for your emotional and mental self by loving yourself enough to make the decision to be first in your life.
Be romantic!
I honestly and truly mean, treat yourself like you would treat the love of your life or your best friend. From my experience, often the kindest people are the meanest to themselves. Take yourself out to eat, treat yourself right, spend time alone and most importantly give and forgive yourself!
Also, if you learn to love yourself and you actually like being "alone", because you enjoy your own company, something else happens.. you no longer depend on other people for your own happiness. Because when you realize that you already have everything you need to live your best life, you stop demanding and start appreciating more. Friends and family are great, but being able to enjoy spending time alone is very important. Like I mentioned in previous posts I love to travel with my friends, but the really exciting experiences full of growth happen during solo-travels.
Self-worth is about believing you are beautiful, no matter how you look, and believing in your capabilities during triumphs and defeats. It's about feeling good about who you are, regardless of what others might think. It's being happy, without needing external validation. It's about loving yourself through life’s highs and lows. There’s only one “you” in this world, so don’t conceal or fake that. Let the world see the real you because you’re worthy. Embrace yourself and celebrate who you are.
- Elite Daily
Question OTD:
Much love,
- Mrs.Steemit
This is 100% dead on. I call that voice you mentioned, "ego." A quote that has stuck with me is "Pain is inevitable; suffering is a choice."
It all starts within. No one else can rescue you from your suffering, and no outside force will rescue the human race. But there's no need to fear, we can do it!
Much Love! Steem feels like one big love boat :) @unityeagle ready for our cruise?
Yes one big love boat is right! I'm new to the community but have already fallen head over heels. I really enjoyed this article too! I think the most important aspect or quality of a person is having the ability to be resilient, and be able to bounce back from tragic events. No matter how hard we try to avoid them, bad things are going to happen. It's how a person responds that makes a world of difference. Keeping a positive attitude is key in this life! Lets grow this awesome community together :)
@iacrypto-farmer Yes life is full of contrast it is in all of our underpaintings of life it is how we choose to use that contrast that contrast in our painting of life.
well its true and also we comparison with other habbits and try to find some good but i only think "If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
and if you find love i think "Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
and also"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday
happy steemig @mrs.steemit
I definitely agree with everything you saying. I really believe that before you can love others you have to learn to love yourself first.
Beautifully said. I do believe the underlying cause of so much pain and suffering in the world is that we as a collective do not feel worthy. We need to do exactly as you said and consciously be more loving and kinder to ourselves and less critical of ourselves.
Yes this year i will try to reward myself and spend time with people that really love me. Regards
This was calming read for me. Thanks for writing it.
It's true. If you don't love yourself, how can anyone else love you? It's really hard to love yourself just the way you are, because our modern day society is built upon splashing negativity onto others. Most people feel like they are going to be judged if they are overweight, not rich or anything else. That makes them feel like they are worse than everyone else. But that's not the way to live. Without loving yourself, can you really be happy? I don't think so...
@mrs.steemit thats right and i agree with you but i think on this a big matter is that I do agree in providing your time, your support and attention to others 51% of the time or a bit more, but not 99% of the time because you are also a human being and have needs and requires a lot to work on yourself for your own personal growth.
You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, It will drain your soul
you look pretty cute and enjoy your travel with your team always and wish you more good happiest momets and much love from your beloved in your life
You are really a positive girl and your outlook on life is very wonderful
The love of people is one of the noble feelings of man
Always stay positive, my friend
one thing more that if we have a positive think sure we be for others and also for ourselves and it give us a good result and to help others and make us truely for others when they need us we sure reach to them and help them and also we care for ourselves that we dont leave ourselves behind
you are look happy and having good lovers and loyel friends
i think if we have a postive thinking it give us a better success and also better joys and happines @mrs.steemit @resteemd for forward this good post to all others
I like to be as i'm, and i disfruit of it, i think in live you have to spent time with valued people for you and try to share your ideas and knoledge with people that need support, that can create good karma around you. Sorry for my english dear
absoloutly right mrs.steemit ! much appriciated your post! treat yourself right, spend time alone and most importantly give and forgive yourself! it right every action has reaction!
Instead complaining about bad situations take the learning, experiences and new knowledges to improve yourself and be better prepared the next time.
You can see the bad your problems like a loser, or see the good in them like a winner!! ;-)
Beautifull pictures love it!
The magic word. If you loving yourself its ok. But can you love yourself? What should to do love yourself? Will be liar for yourself? All its about it. If you can love yourself you are ok. If you cant love so you need a time for know yourself. Just be patient
Many people can relate to this article. In this fast-paced environment wherein most people have short attention span. Indeed, you can't please everyone and at the end of the day, all you have is yourself.
live a happy and loving lot of people who dream. @mrs.steemit
Lovely and beautiful
I'm in love with @mrs.steemit
Key to happiness is not that hard to find but being able to enjoy the atmosphere and work we do could make us smile more
Indeed one must take care of themselves to spread love to others. But there must be a balance. Self care and selfless acts of love to others. Thanks @mrs.steemit.
@mrs.steemit , you are looking very hot...Too hot to handle!
That is very true. It is really true that being happy just comes from within. Now that being said I think goals are also very fun to have and to achieve as long as it is viewed in posotive lights.
Love conquers all. I wonder how one can love others without loving oneself first. Our ability to show love is a reflection of how much we love our self.
very nice pic bro
Nice picture @mrs.steemit
positvity is the basic entity to life and so truly deciphered that if we are positive then nothing matters .....
If you want to get an education, just travel the world.
Nice post. Good luck
Love this. Reminds me a lot of eastern philosophy I've been studying the last couple years.
Time to increase productivity and make a goal to love yourself
i love my work more not trying to be special but that gives me satisfaction at the end of the day
Excellent post you just showed me a new vision to discover myself
time to do epic stuff while take and explore the unexplored versions of myself
Excellent post dear @mrs.steemit totally loved it i appreciate your post
its time to try and practice it daily the life is one lets enjoy each moment of it
fight until you win and go on until you don't achieve your target :)
loving and taking care of our self is a must thing do which we keeps on forgetting
Thanks for this impressive post! happiness is everywhere! all the best.
pictures are so beautiful :) thanks for this great post! Keep it up
People are definitely beautiful in any angle. Whats ugly is our societal system and standards. Even media is a culprit of bringing our self worth down.
Excellent content. I resteem like crazy plus I've followed you.
i read what you say carefully you are right my dear
i like (No one is going to love you if you don't love yourself )
thanks for sharing
you are so beautiful :)
This was calming read for me. Thanks for writing it.
Yeah that is indeed the case and scenario !We should love our self and should see the god in others !
Not everybody will be good in every thing !That's what makes us unique !
love to read it...
Girl you are sooooo beautiful omgg i am falling in love with you .... am in love with your bodyyyy 😎😎😍😍😍😘😘😗😗