Good Karma - When The Universe Responds

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemians,

I hope all of you had an amazing New Year's Eve and an even better first week of the year!

Happy Belated New Year!*

I personally had a great time entering the year with my "Day 1 girls"  in Berlin and at the same time working like crazy on some really exciting things coming up this year. 

I know I haven't been as active on Steemit lately as I used to, but I wasn't simply unconsciously slacking. It was a conscious decision that I made, to get my priority list in order and get everything done from my "2016 goals list" before starting the New Year (which I gladly did). I am very thankful to be given amazing opportunities to be a part of, several amazing projects with great people involved, but I had to learn one very important 

lesson towards the end of last year:

"When you say YES to one thing, you say NO to something else"

Now that in a way adds to what Oprah preaches, that became sort of like a mantra for me and you can find in previous posts of mine, which is: 

"You can have it ALL. Just not all AT ONCE" 

And even though that is something I have written on the first page of my "important to keep in mind and live by quotes" and ironically wrote about in one of my Steemit posts, I realized that I had begun working on too many new things with a lot of passion, excitement and creative ideas that my mind was constantly thinking about, meanwhile starting to slightly slack on some of my important "main stuff" regarding the agency, that I do care about a lot such campaign meetings, moving departments, digital product launches etc... 

Soooo here is what I did:

I firstly went back to my notes (why I always say "writing is key") of about a year ago, the goals I set,  the timeline / roadmap and even more importantly my WHY! I wrote down  a clear definition of my WHY, which always brings you back to your starting point, when you're lacking focus. With one glance I could see where I got distracted and what lead me off the road. And I promise the reasons were some great ones, but still no excuses. I then re-scheduled the last couple of weeks focused around the core things I initially wanted to achieve and promised myself that I would complete those things first, before being allowed to dive into new fun. 

Now here comes the "miracle of life" experience. Actually it is pretty scientific, if not first grade math class:


Or in other words, you get what you do. Because I went back to my initial plan, the reason behind it and importance when it comes to consistency, I adjusted my daily schedule accordingly and in return received an even better result than expected!

Do you know this feeling when you God or the UNIVERSE responds?.. It punishes you for something and you know exactly what it was for and then this other feeling that is even more miraculous and powerful...  when you get rewarded for doing the right thing. You get a quick confidence boost from it, it's the confirmation you've been looking for that tells you it was a good idea to stop, re-think and trust your gut. Yup that is what I felt, all I needed and I call:


And I know that the term Karma is defined by "when you do good" especially for others, you receive good in return, but I'm talking about doing the right thing as in "keeping your own promise" or "being loyal to yourself" or simply 

"the reward for staying consistent"

My favorite reward that I got for listening to this inner voice has got to be that I get to leave fugly, cold, and boring ass Germany and pack my travel bags. My favorite trips are always fun + business combined and that's exactly what's about to happen. Next week I'm going to 


and I don't even mind the weather, because I know I'm going to love the city. I have friends who live there, a birthday to celebrate, some great events, exciting meetings, and overall new city to explore, dine and shop in (yes my first time in LDN). 

Oh and this incredible event happens to take place that week:

If you're in LDN definitely check it out and let's meet up at the bar afterwards.

Also when I'm on the road I can get back to continuing some of the projects that I started and on the way blog about it all. So basically all I did to receive a lot of good is DECIDE to get a fresh start and re-think my approach, then act and change my behavior immediately and guess what...  if you're feeling stuck, overwhelmed, unhappy, frustrated, exhausted, tired or all over the place, YOU CAN DO IT THE SAME! You have the official approval to copy the above, go back to your why, your initial roadmap and if you don't have that, then that is where you start! Figure out WHAT it is you want, WHAT you have to do to get there and then stick to it until you're there and do not let distractions carry you away from it, because once you make that decision and you put it on paper as a promise to yourself, bare in mind that the universe will respond to your actions. 

I hope you enjoyed the read.

Much Love & Happy New Year!

- Mrs. Steemit


Happy new year to you too ! ;)

Thank you! :)

Karma is here!
Happy new year!

Happy new year to you too! :)

A very well written post... thanks for the positivity. It's easy to become distracted from your goals. Your post is a good reminder to stay focused....Following :-)

Thank you! I appreciate your words and totally agree that it is mostly about reminding ourselves of what we already know but tend to get distracted from :)

Happy New Year, @Mrs.Steemit

thanks, happy new year!