For sure you heard about it already.
When it comes to success people from different backgrounds proclaim the ultimate wisdom: "Just do it!"
Entrepreneurs, motivation speaker, success teachers and more proclaim this small sentence a lot.
If you don't have heard it in that scenario than maybe you know it from the highly successful sports brand, Nike.
Since the 80s they use this slogan for their marketing and advertising. And it works brilliantly.
Like I mentioned above many groups of people took this slogan to teach how you can be successful in life. But in my opinion, there is a big problem I observed many times.
First of all, I have to say that I love this slogan and also when influential people are talking about the Just do it mentality.
For me in some cases its so true, but not in every time and that's the case.
I often got the feeling that if people are not successful, and I have to say successful in their eyes they gave these people just the advice: please "just to do it, stop thinking about so many things too much and just start. You need to start, and you will see how your business will flow. People don't want Just do it. And that's the problem."
Let me say you this: This message can be a blessing but also a curse. It depends on which ear is hearing this message.
In my opinion, you cant generalize this slogan as a kind of mantra for success. I will explain to you what I mean.
We human beings are all individual.
This Person is extrovert that person is more introvert.
This person is from his nature already brave, but that person is rather shy.
This person has more analytical strength, and that person strength lies in the direct contact with others.
What I am trying to tell you is that we are all different. For sure you got it.
I don't want that this Post will be again too long :D, that's why I say it right now; Some people should think more than just do it!
Yes, you heard me right. That is my problem with this slogan, with this kind of message when it is used for teaching success.
Some people need just to make a simple move, to try and get their experiences. But other people should stay at first quiet, think and look if there is not a more efficient way.
Allow me to give an example from football:
When the Striker gets the ball.
Look if someone is in a better position than yourself instead just to shot!
Lift up your head and see the players around you. Don't just shot!
This message in the ears of the wrong people will just lead to blind actionism. They are just doing for the sake of just doing without even thinking about if they are the type of persons who need it.
Ahhhh it's getting again too long again!
So what I want to tell you is this:
If you use this message for people be sure to communicate it the right way. If you are extraordinary, you will make an effort to get to know to whom you are talking to. This is so important guys! Like I said we are all different.
A simple message with the right intention but heard from the wrong eyes is contra productive.
If you are a person who thinks a lot, thinks too much my advice for is definitely. Try it! If you have a good feeling inside yourself than Just do it and get your experiences. If you don't, you will never know and not learn.
If you are a man of action, review your experiences. If some things have already gone wrong, stay still and think first about your next move. Look around you, are there may be better options
If you use this message, please don't generalize as it would work for everyone in the same way. Because it doesn't!
Thanks for reading.
Great article, you put into words very well what I, too, see as the big problem about "just do it".
Being a female (and not a feminist) I have a slightly different point of view on it. I don't look for challenges or output-orientated and measurable success. Nevertheless, my experiences are quite the same. "Just do it" can be the ultimative kick of motivation, but it also can put a lot of pressure and too high expectations on people.
The reasons for not doing something - at least not at this moment - don't necessarily have to be fears resp. lack of courage.
Working with depressive people e.g. made me understand very clearly that their suffering is increased by "just do it", because they're simply not able to cope with that.
Indecisive people might not yet have reached the point to be sure what they really want to do. Therefore they also get a somewhat uncomfortable feeling being told "just do it". It's not fear that holds them back but their own subconscious as it has not yet really decided to do it, or maybe it doesn't consider it as most important for the time being. So they might say "I want to do this or that", but their subconscious has not yet told them "ready to go", even if their social environment did.
From my experience (watching myself and others closely) it might be a very strong, motivating slogan, but sometimes it might be more wise to do nothing and maybe wait. I completely trust my intuition to provide me with the best advices I can get, and this has lead me to great satisfaction.
Someone else might deal with it in a different way, and that's where it should be at.
People being so different, so unique makes life interesting and that's the real challenge for me...
These are only a few considerations on a very complex topic.
I think its important for the inner voice to have the final word. And to have a priority list, as if I did everything I wanted to do, I wouldn't have time to breathe lol.
"Just do it" have no sense without "and never don't stop"
I think.
your always on a big point of view.. i very like your article. you see things widely. hope to see more of this. thanks to you @modernpastor
Let's break it down; make a plan, think about it, listen to your inner voice and than just do it:)
This wonderful post has received a bellyrub 10.95 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to this cool cat: @modernpastor. My pops @zeartul is one of your top steemit witness, if you like my bellyrubs please go vote for him, if you love what he is doing vote for this comment as well.
Just do it, but not before having a sensible plan of action.
Great post @modernpastor! I totally agree with you and I almost hate the slogan "just do it" because I work with a lot of people, from successful business people to recovering drug addicts, who would love to "just do it!"...but cannot. For some reason, from self doubt, fear, lack of support and many other issues, they want to succeed, to thrive, to stay clean, but they cannot translate their motivation into action. It really depends on the individual how best to help them reach their goals. Thank you for sharing that truth:-)
Amazing comment!
Yes, i know what you mean and you are right.
It's often easy to say just do it but It's not.
It needs constant communication and perseverance to overcome what is holding some people back. I really don't like it when this slogan is used like a mantra.
Excellent post and strong words. I like the motto "Just do it." In my family, we often use this expression. Honestly, I did not know that this is the motto of the company "Nike")))
Thanks for your comment my friend :)
Yes, they use it since the 80s :)
Thanks to you, I became a little smarter)))) lol
😊you're welcome
You are completely right that blind actionism will not lead to success. And that everybody is different and that is why I used the expression doityourway.
On one hand we are different and on the other we have to do, what is our way.
I know a lot of people who stopped a long time ago to go their way. They are waiting, always waiting for the right time.
At first they think my life starts after school. No,no, when I have a job, when the kids are grown up, when I go into retirement. And when they face death, they realize that they waited their whole life. And this group is in my opinion much bigger than the action heroes.
ButI agree with you to 100% that just do it, will not help this people to overcome their fear.
Amazing comment!
I agree with you. And I like your expression.
I also believe that the group of people who are never coming into action is bigger then the other one.
BUUUUUT like i already mention, i dont like it when it is used like spell; If you just di it will work because this is not true.
I heard of a lot of people preaching that and it leads to blind actionism.
But all in all, you are 100% right.
I understand why you are so successful;-)