Remember I once mentioned about the Big Data Wipe last year? Nothing was being saved. Well except to my story draft (that I'm yet to publish) which I occationally save to my email drafts (don't ask me why the email drafts).
Well before the Big Data Wipe, there was really once that I really lost a draft. It was back in my Form 4 days where I was in charge typing a project proposal for a competition. That day I was continuing typing stuff at my quarterly done proposal, with a very sleepy (yes VERY) body state. So I got a bit tired and eventually I slept on the computer desk. The next morning in school I just knew that I did 0% progress from the last save point which I remembered I did that at the previous night. My teacher was laughing, saying you may hit Alt+F4 followed by an N (which it presses No at most programs if you control through the keyboard) instead of a Y since I was used to operate the computer using the keyboard most of the times. Results? Spending the afternoon rushing all the lost progress (no autosaves found in my computer :pain:).
Lesson to self: Hit Ctrl+S before sleeping at the computer desk. Who knows you can hit Alt+F4 followed by an N in your dreams. :lul:
Sounds like an...amazing experience to not get rekt in the face by teachers when this happens. Except for the redoing part, of course.
Or, just uh...type your proposal on Discord and send it to your own server like a word document, that would work, I guess. Or just use Google Docs just because :lul: