10 Counter Arguments To Anti-gunners

in #blog7 years ago

After reading over the gun control pros at https://gun-control.procon.org/, I couldn't resist.

1.) If guns kill people, why do people need background checks?
2.) If gun theft is a problem, how are background checks going to keep guns out of the hands of criminals?
3.) Shooting and/or killing people with any object is illegal. How are gun laws going to address that issue?
4.) If murder is a problem, how do we address the overall murder rate?
5.) During the previous 10 year gun ban, from 1994-2004, there were 16 mass shootings. How will a new ban stop future shootings?
6.) How will gun laws protect me from an abuser or other deranged person with another type of weapon?
7.) If gun violence is such a problem, why are gun related self defense stats so low?
8.) Where can I purchase a military-grade weapon without a federal license?
9.) A man in Texas stopped a church shooter with a gun, who's side are you on?
10.) What statement in the second amendment allows for any infringement on gun ownership?