This is what has been popping up in my social media feeds as of late. I have to admit, it's fairly entertaining to see all the people try and do these. I'm only interested in it myself as I love spicy foods. Probably not that spicy but I will go out of my way and try them. I've tried all the peppers that keep coming out that are made to be hotter than the other for the simple fact of seeing how spicy they are. I will note that my tolerance for spicy is very high compared to most people and it's an enjoyable flavor for me that ads instead of taking away.
This chip, as it says on the box is the one chip challenge made from the carolina reaper pepper. The hottest rated pepper in the world that is not extracted and I say that because there are hotter spices, that were also a trend (plutonium challenge). I just wanted to talk about it since it will be an in thing for a while.
The price of this chip is a ridiculously high price, in my opinion, of $13.99. For one chip?!?!? ONE!! All they did was take a chip made from the reaper and put in a nice package. It is a nice package but for the package to be more than the food itself is silly to me.

I can't really hate on it though since I'm sure they are making a lot of money from this. It's a really smart idea only for that fact because they get free marketing and publicity from all the people trying this out on their youtubes and whatever social platform is being used. Honestly, I would entertain the possibility of trying it at some point because as I stated earlier, I love spicy foods. I try peppers just for fun and did grow and eat my own carolina reaper.

This is my own carolina reaper that I grew and taste tested myself convincing two of my friends to also try it. It was pretty hilarious but they only ate 1/4 of a pepper unlike me, which I can look back at and say that was a mistake on my part.

That first bite into the pepper, you can just see it on my face (far right). The result of this was my two friends there eventually threw up at some point and as for me, my face went numb but did not throw up. It didn't take long for the spiciness to go away but I think after all those years of eating spicy, my stomach couldn't take much of it. My mouth was good but for the rest of the day, my stomach would ache here and there immobilizing me for minutes at a time. Not a good idea to go to a beer festival after eating something that spicy. overall, it was a good fun day. I honestly have no idea how I talked about peppers for so long but I hope it was somewhat entertaining. I also have a video on youtube trying out my pepper if you want to see. It's nothing special but just in case
Anyways, it looks like the site won't be operational tomorrow so until next time!