I'm cleaning out my email and came across this one about a commercial music shoot that I did not too long ago. I just wanted let you guys get to know me a little more and since it was a different experience that not many people get to do, I thought I would share it. I'm all about experiencing and trying out new things, getting out of your comfort zone, because why not? It was pretty random that I got the opportunity to do this and I have to say that it was very fun.The commercial I shot was for Floyd's 99 barbershop but before I get into that let's get in a little back story of how I got to that point.
One day while I was just sitting at home, one of my good friend texts me and tells me about how she has worked with this company before and that they needed more people to help out so she wanted me to do it with her. It was to be a brand ambassador and at the time I had no idea what that entailed or really what it was. Me, wanting to experience new things agreed to do it with her but what I then realized was that it was technically a "modeling" job. I quote modeling because I don't consider myself to be a model and hate calling it that but that's actually what the title is. I had to give them head shots and full body pictures, which of course, I didn't have. I decided to give them some old random nice pictures of myself but the problem was I dislike taking pictures by myself so it was really hard to find them. Unlike my friend, who is beautiful by the way and will show you a picture below, I am not very photogenic at all. Surprisingly, they took me on and from there I got to meet my friend's friend, who was also doing the event. This is where another friendship was made and the next part of my story.

This is my beautiful friend if you couldn't guess that
Well another random night as I was sitting there, my other friend, whom I've known for quite some time now has just texted me. She works for a place called Floyd's 99 barber shop but in their corporate office, one of them higher up people (fancy her). They decided they were doing a commercial shoot which bring us back to the text where she asks if I wanted to be a part of it. Of course I said yes because, new thing, and after sending more head shots with body pictures, I get the green light to partake.
The day of, I actually get to the location really early and the crew is still unpacking all the equipment. It was a little weird but I got to meet everyone because I was the first one there out of the cast. One thing I did forget to mention is that they want you to dress a certain way and it wasn't good because I did not dress that way at all so none of my clothes fit the description. Anyways, back on topic; I've taken acting classes in college before so I had a little experience but that was live and commercial shooting is different in that you just re shoot the same scenes over and over. Luckily it was a music video so there was no talking involved. It was interesting to say the least and for my part, It took probably 3-4 hours to shoot I was there for the whole day. You're basically shooting for those few hours and off on set while they shoot other scenes but I was just happy I was getting paid to just sit there, eating, and napping. You do get to meet some great people and overall it was a fun time and would definitely do it again if I ever got the opportunity.
Well if you actually made it this far in my rambling then thank you for reading!! I know it's not very important or very well structured, but I'm doing my best and appreciate it none the less. Also, this shoot is being shopped around and will be televised on national TV so maybe some random day my face will pop up in your screen. I am not the main person but what they called "the design" so there is a close up of me on there, and I'm in there quite a bit. The close up is very embarrassing but if you see it just imagine having to do that scene over and over again. Well, without further ado, the commercial, if you're actually interested.