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RE: Beautiful Barley Days

in #blog3 months ago

Aw, Ivy! I hope she is well whatever she is doing.

You are right about the vibe, maybe being off a tad or because of the leaving. In a way I think that it is now that the Blockchain blogging thing was so new that after a while and the forks and the splitting some of the polish food get a bit lost.

I like to think there is still some magic around but with growing up comes less of that crazy wild west'ness.

Getting old sucks eh?

Gets to you and I hope some of that Scottish gold fires you up a tad 😃😃


The spirit moved from the bottle into me. This particular Scottish gold is a blessing. A sweet aftertaste, packs a little punch and warms the ears, for some reason unknown to me. 😄

Putting things in perspective, like in a blog, helps. And the experience on Hive is different, also it makes sense. Like you describe, Steem was new and exciting. Almost humming on the background, the sound of it was magical.

And after I finished publishing this evening I can confirm that it still has some mystical effect. It is very special. Publishing on something known as a blockchain. Who would have thought that would be a thing 10 years ago?

Becoming a Grump has its advantages and downsides for sure. And there are days where I'd love to be 25 again. At least I can blog about it.

And it does sometimes feel shait. But luckily there's the Beautiful Barley days and good people.

It would be nice if Ivy returned, as I know she really likes to blog. But she's a very busy bee though.

Cheers Mate, thanks for the heads up!

Spirit can be a spiritual thing at times.

I was thinking how weird it was the idea of blogging/writing on a blockcjain for so long, I mean it is a kick in the chuff off of ten years! Who would have thought that the chain itself would have lasted this long and not just been another IT style fad.

I have been feeling the grump myself, especially the fact that nothing is simple anymore, websites designed to confuse. Things to be built no longer making sense. Madness and annoying!

If you ever see Miss Ivyh let her know I was asking after her :O)

Cheers mate!

There are worse things to take in than spirit loaded water. 😁 And it can even become a spiritual experience, to a point where I can speak a mystical language that even I do not understand! It is just before that moment when the room starts to spin. And the next thing you know you'll get rid of bad stomache content. How can such a thing be considered wrong, you're just in a deeper shade of soul cleansing process. 😂

Anyways, new year's eve is another beautiful Barley day ahead. 🥳

Blogging on a Blockchain, it's magnificent. Not one-sided media, just sending out views, but individual expressions of thoughts and experiences. No need to shout at some table discussion amongst 'famous' on TV. But real interaction with others on the same platform.

To me that seems to be a good reason to keep it going. This is so much more fun than just reading a magazine and it triggers something but you can only talk to your cat about it. Which in turn walks away after showing you a big yawn and then finds a place to sleep.

But seriously, to me blockchain publishing is one of the most exciting innovations that came forth from the internet. Even more than any Fart coin, because it has real utility to it.

(Could not resist though to mint my own 'Wet Fart' DAO Token on DeSo. 😂)

About the Grump life; Things have become much more complex to use indeed. Or at least I do also experience it like that. Seems almost like done on purpose, so one needs to waste a lot of time to even get started. And things break already just by looking at them! Had this with hiking shoes, for instance, when I got back to the store I was asked what I've been using them for. "Eurm hiking miss", getting told that they were actually not meant for long hiking trips. And if I wanted a new pair or a money return... 🤯

Okay, I have to think about my stomach. Pfff, think I'm going out for a walk. 😅

And I have let her know. 😎👍

Now, I need to get something done over here. No leprechaun to be seen anywhere, so have to fix it myself.