I am not good with choice of words, but wanted to mention how well you summarized what living life really is:
You don't thrive on money. You thrive on being a decent human being without hurting others.
Progress is not higher GDP, higher productivity, or even bigger bank accounts. Progress is raising the next generation of kids to be helpful and useful to society. I would say it is like passing down one's experiences to the next generation in hopes of future prosperity.
At the end of the day those dollars we earned, saved, and spend really means nothing more than material. I feel society as a whole is distorting reality. That the reality is earning a ton of money equates to great success. I'll be honest I wish I was rich, but it is not going to bring me the happiness and joy I seek.
Working tirelessly and saving every penny I can may give a bigger nest egg down the road, but not enjoying the journey toward reaching this goal means nothing as I would not know how to appreciate what I have and what I did with my life.
Nowadays many kids are being taught to focus on earning more for the sake of getting bigger nest eggs. Yet how and why this is so important to have is rarely thought about or discussed. Is it really for the bigger house, faster car, or stable retirement?
Money can bring happiness when used wisely, but having a lot of it does not mean happiness. Success does not always have to equate to having more or earning more. How I live my life and being able to accept it for what it is and focus on what I can change is what living life is all about. Thanks.