
Well, we are not going to eat her so yes, she is getting better care than the chickens.

Other than being eaten, the birds are quite happy and well cared for , thank you

We have no proof of that (e.g. chickens). None. And we have no proof that Michelle is well cared-for either since she hasn't been seen in 6 weeks. And given your past, I would say your word isn't very good when it comes to your chickens.

@martingardner, Ever wonder why the feral cats have appeared? Feed them every few days and they will stay close by. Unlike chickens the cats will survive on their own. Throw in the influence of the Philippines and it might not be pork on your fork.

Interesting theory. Except for one thing. They are still alive and its the same cats in each video.

Really? How would we know? Your word isn't really worth a whole lot now is it Troy? Remember, you have given your word before. You said you were 95% off grid, when you were not. You said you were going to finish insulating the sheds, which you have not. You said you were going to give away a flashlight, which you have not. You said you were going to show the completed battery box when the weather was good, you have not. You said you would show the chickens, which you have not. You said you were going to make an underground greenhouse, which you have not. You said you didn't know it was going to get close to freezing on the night the killing frost alive, even though your video in the woods camping with the boy says otherwise. You've said a lot of things over the years Troy, yet few have you ever made good on. So you can understand why we don't believe you when you say the chickens are good. Prove it.

Right now the article is about making soap.

That is the topic at hand.

There is no proof your chickens are well cared for. I'm betting they are almost all dead. Poor chickens.

Well, you are correct on that point. Most of the chickens are in the freezer now.

Tasty too.

freezer must be the size of a large car with all the deer meat and chickens and fish and produce in it. Must also be a energy guzzler, a freezer of that size.

Freezer, as in frozen in their own poop inside the coop. Is that freezer on solar? I doubt it. And how many chickens are still alive? Why won't you show them on video? What do you have to hide, Troy?

I guess showing chickens frozen to the ground with shit 3 ft high and raccoon nests in with them might give the idea troy doesn't care for his chickens. Do you remember Joy the most precious dog ever? She lived tied to her dog house in the horrible temps and she watched the cats in the window. She knew the cats weren't in much better shape but at least they had a warm rats nest to live in. She was a saint and the entire town of Pine Bush flew the flags at half mast in honor of the dog trog neglected and left outside to die. Well at least now he has a kid to practice taking care of in the cat hair and dusty environment inside the 3 season shack.

Maybe you should try some soap.

I hear trolls smell pretty nasty

Where I come from we use soap when children lie. You're still a child. Not a man. And given how much you lie perhaps we should be using that soap on you instead.

Oh, grade school taunts.

Taunt? No, a fact. You don't act like a man. You're a man-child, working hard to prevent having to grow up. You do not provide for your family like a man. You do not work like a man. You do whatever you want to please Troy without a care in the world for your family. And you lie. You lie a lot. And for that where I come from you get your mouth washed out with soap. So if the shoe fits....

I hear you were taunted into having to enroll in a "special school" Is that correct?

Red flags went up across his viewership when he several times said a nurse visits the junkyard 2.0 to check on the kids welfare. Who does that? Strange as hell.