Exposing The Food Industry I Have Worked in For Eight Years!!!!!

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

For the last eight years, I have been working for the biggest supermarkets chains in Europe, Being a truck driver I get to see the entire food industry from how it's produced, stored, distribution through to how it's stacked on the shelves at your local supermarket.

  • I pick up the cheese from the dairy factories, which is why I don't consume milk products anymore.

  • I collect the meat from the slaughter houses, which is why I very rarely eat meat.

  • I have been to the farms, which is why I stopped buying eggs.

  • I have been to the warehouses and seen the state of the trucks these foods get distributed in which is why I always wash my vegetables.

I now feel I have found the right platform to share some of the horrors I have witnessed and I feel it's my duty to share this with my fellow steemians, I know what I am doing could get me fired and prosecuted but I don't care because in 3 weeks I am leaving Sweden for the last time to pursue my life long dream of having land and growing my own food.

What a Bunch of No Good Wasters?

In this post I will be exposing how these big supermarkets throw tonnes of food away every day, I witness on a daily basis how perfectly good food gets binned, only because the date printed on the packaging says it's not good anymore when in reality it's good for another 3-4 days, this really upsets me for many reasons.

  • This food could and should be given to people in real need.

  • What kind of a world do we live in where on one side we have starving children and the other we are throwing food in the bin?.

  • Why are we supporting companies who would much rather throw food away than give to the needy?.

  • How much are we overcharged for food when they can throw this much away and still make a HUGE profit?.

  • This food could be used to produce bio fuels or compost.

  • With all the problems with having in the world today, this should be made illegal.

  • What makes this even more crazy is that if you are hungry and take some of this food out of the bins, you can be prosecuted for theft

Please watch this short video of 2 supermarkets I have been to today.

Img source 1,

Peace and love to the World.


All SBD from this post is going to my dear friend Colette who is overcoming cancer, COLETTES STORY.


True, true. I am still proud of being vegan and not contributing to that part of animal violence. What's more, there is hardly any or no food shortage in the world. The distribution is at issue here; so much food being thrown away. You bring awareness about this, and for that I thank you!

Also, a huge amount of food is thrown away at the sorting and packing planets.
It is estimated that half of the produce that comes up through Nagales (Mexico/The US) is thrown away while being sorted there.

I wouldn't call vegan a better diet when trying to avoid animal violence. There is still huge amount of animals killed when tilling farm land. Plants are also sentient beings with feelings too. Also, being a vegetarian or vegan doesn't "save" any animals. It just means less animals are grown. And if everyone turned vegan/tarian, half of the world would starve; we need animals to eat grass so that we can have food.

I find the better way is to raise the animals yourself. With good animal husbandry you are giving as much as your receive and the circle of life is complete. Also, with good husbandry, and not allowing over grazing, the animal manure helps to rejuvenate the soil. Making the whole system even better.

Look up Joel Salatin of Polyface farms and see what regenerative farming can really be like. His books about growing chickens in a chicken tractor is really good. Even if you decide to go vegan/ovarian. Free range eggs are so much better.

Yes there is a lot of things to be said about the failing distribution system, the food chain as a whole is flawed by design it seems.
Thanks for the feedback and welcome back from your adventures, will we get read all about it soon?Thank you @ericwoelk my partner is vegan and I am thinking about it, I don't know if could quit my addiction to honey tho :)

Ah, yes, honey is quite a good addiction :D Though I have now found a quite as tasty alternative: dark agave syrup! Mmm!
I will not post about my adventures in Indonesia, but you are welcome to read them and see photos and videos on Facebook, namely the group "Xplore Trevianum Indonesië '17"

click here!This post received a 3.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ericwoelk! For more information,

click here!This post received a 5.0% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ericwoelk! For more information,

the sad part is that's it's mostly the people to blame, basically they drove the little business out of business, because they like cheap prices, they sue the bigger chains, that and regulations over food kind of require food to be thrown away. It's a sad place for sure, it's just making waste of good food, but then again it's being overproduced in the first place and rather than stored for future use it's used to produce profits and basically given to blind people that only see color but lack the deeper view of how it's grown, where, by who, at what cost, so on. I'm a proponent of food been grown locally, housed and stored rather than transported, but that goes against the market principles of sell to the highest bidder and disregard the lowly person, because he won't be a good investment. I live in a place where food is being sent to other places and people here are basically starving because they have to pay premium for goods, while they have to sell their produce cheap, so other resellers can resell to other resellers and make money someplace else.

Mind boggling, thanks for your insight, man.

Argument for GMOs: "We need them! We don't have enough resources to feed everybody organically!"

Meanwhile... Half of US food ends up in the trash. I bet it is a similar percentage in Sweden.

It's insane, the whole system is bent. I hate the fact that I have been a part of it for so long.
Better late than never :)
Thanks for the feedback @funderground

From what I hear in various parts of the country piece by piece it is said to be getting better. Of laws which allow the dumpster diving activity, or for managers to donate expiring wares to the local food bank. Of networks in place to collect such expiring food. Though seems likely to me this is happening few and far between

It's good to know something is being done. Thank you for your feedback @drabs

We are living in a fucked up world there is no question about it. I do apologize my language but i am so angry right now that i had to say it. The problem with the trow food is global from the most developed countries all the way to the third world countries ( i hate this ranking but i use it for a better understanding). It is so sad specially there are so many people in need for food or so many kids are going to sleep hungry. Not only that but a lot of time the storage in this hypermarkets is done without any hygiene and the worst part is that more then 99% of the food that we are eating or is on the shelf is crap or better saying poison. The worst of all is that behind all this supermarkets are people and this shows one more time that Greed is the one that is going to kill one day all of us. Yes Greed!!!!

I totally agree with you my friend, and I understand your anger, this really gets me upset too.
The stuff I have seen is shocking, and is exactly in line with what you have mentioned.
I am glad that soon I can turn my back on this industry and not support it in anyway, and that's all we should do, not get angry but just walk away from it an don't give them our money. I know that's not easy but it can be done.
Thanks for the feedback buddy.

Thanks a lot for sharing as well and i hope you will not be fired. I know you mention you don't care but still. I hope once you will leave Sweden and you will buy your land (in Portugal if i remember correct), you will post about the community that you are trying to build there.
Take care and i hope the post will generate a lot of revenue for your friend Colette!

Hi Can You Help Me By Upvote Follow Me? I Am Follow U And Give Upvote.

yes here is a flag I hope you are happy. I'm sure upvotes won't fix your problems. Better say what's up rather than beg for cash. How about you earn the attention by contributing.

Mark, you are one of my favorite Steemians. Love your posts and view on life. Upvoted and resteemed.

Wow, Thank you @cmoljoe that means a lot to me :) I love having your feedback and support :)

resteemed and followed, thanks to johan of alt for the link. Other than that wow at the comments and good on you, sadly it's not as simple as it should be, yeah food shouldn't be wasted, but then again it's overproduced too. Transportation is inefficient, storage also needs a proper temperature and hygiene since well some food rots and spoils the others nearby. I try to compost my food waste, shop locally and would like to fix up a house and start a garden since I would have to turn my terrace into one to grow food on it :D it works for herbs, but a terrace garden would be new for me. I live in a place where there are still fruit trees around. It's nice to be able to pick when you want to and eat the diverse foods and cultures rather than have some batch on "organic" fruit grown in a lab. So yeah that and all the benefits to the community in general would be great to see, running a garden requires many people to pitch in and work together. It's a nice past time. If it works that is, it's still a nice experience. Sometimes it works in the other end too.

They are big companies so there is bound to be some waste, but the amount I see is unreal.
I do think everyone needs to start producing at least a little food themselves like u mentioned.
Yes growing food is a lot of hard work, but it must be so rewarding and good for your health.
Thanks for the feedback :)Thanks for commenting @j3dy

OMG! I think this types of problems are exist only in our country, but now reading your post I am quite surprised that needy and starving population also found in your country too. Yes experience makes a man perfect, as you have vast knowledge about the distribution system. Thanks for the valuable information from which all of us come to know about our so called supermarket and their works.

Yes, this is a problem all over the world, where money becomes more important than helping people in need. Thank you for reading and commenting @maya7

In Berlin, Germany, most supermarkets give away their food, which they would have to throw, to people with welfare, homeless, old people with little money, refugees, etc. Social groups collect the food and give it almost for free to the people.

Hurahhh!!!!! This is fantastic :) I am so happy to hear of such initiatives. The world is coming together and realizing a better future.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
I Iove Berlin BTW.

:) In whole Germany there are social groups collecting the food. One is called "Berliner Tafel" or "Tafel" in general for Germany. I worked there for 2 years 15 years ago when the idea was born. You work as a volunteer and don't get money. At this time we had food for 20 people but 200 persons waiting, because 1 supermarket helped. Today most supermarkets help and we can help more people. But in Germany the poverty rises fast (especially pensioneers) and its still not enough! There are also some people collecting the (packed) food from garbage cans of the supermarkets for using for theirselves at night. Sometimes they even meet each other for their "tour". But this is illegal in Germany. If you take the garbage of somebody elses garbage can it's called robbing and this is of course illegal. Many supermarkets have cameras for their garbage and report it to the police if they catch you on the camera! BTW I heard that in France some months ago they have a new law that forces the supermarkets to give away their old food to poor people to prevend throwing it! I hope they will establish this law in Germany once in the future, too. Unfortunately our government don't want this law yet.

I don't know about other German cities, but Berlin is full of initiatives for rescueing food! And they become more and more every day. I am really happy about this. Berlin is full of people who think alternative, ecological (green) and social.

Should be made illegal yes, but most places here in the states it is the law itself requiring this action/behavior when dealing with food past the "sell by" or expiration dates.

There was a report on this a few years back, I can't even remember what network covered it, but it showed the managers of some of the stores explaining the requirement to dispose of it. Some of them you could hear in their voices how much it upset them to do it. There was a part about how if the item was a "dry good" like cereal/crackers and the like it could be donated to second-hand food banks or stores if it gets relabeled as expired. But everything else hits the trash.

As you mentioned, all the produce and organic based foods could have been composted or some resold and used in ethanol bio fuels, but the law says they have to dispose of it.

It's sad and another reason I try to grow what I can to reduce my reliance on the system.

Thanks Mark.

It's total madness my friend, what kind of government makes up such insane laws?
The whole system feels rigged for the benefit of the elite, we are not even allowed the leftovers.
I try not to get disheartened by it all but it's hard to turn a blind eye.
Thanks again for your support @steempowerpics

These are the reasons we long for having our own land and crops. I cringe when we get foods (especially meats) from the grocery stores...Lord knows what we're really eating. I'll be following along with you on this video series. Thank you for braving this and risking your job to get the nasty truth out to us. This needs to be shared and I am grateful to you for doing your part. Have you ever watched the documentary called Food Inc? It reveals some ugly truths about the food industry and processed foods as well. Resteemed!

Yes I hate giving these companies my money as I know where it all comes from.
Yes I have seen food Inc and I was shocked, I don't think I will be able to show you anything that shocking but I will give you a I can, :)
Thanks for the resteem and your continued support :)Thank you @crosheille

Absolutely! I was shocked too when I watched it. I'm just so glad people are willing to go the mile to reveal the truth.

Yeah in most places you eat processed corn syrup, corn fed to cows, to chickens, not to mention gmo soy, yeah nevemind, I'd recommend Samsara to watch, it shows the beauty, the horror, life basically.

Thanks for sharing your insight! All the best to you in your new chapter of life. May your fields grow abundantly!

Thank you @denisechips it's always nice when you drop by with a cheerful comment like this :)

Bravo brother!
If only more people like you spoke out things may change..
You get my full upvote and resteem..

buy local or better still grow it yourself!

I think slowly people are starting to get it :)
Thanks again for your support and resteemThank you @eco-alex

Wow, Mark. Brave and I agree with all but using the state to make anyone do anything. I do understand how you feel though. Thanks for sharing.

Sad truth! We waste so much good food!

@markwhittam Thank you sooo much for sharing!! This is powerful knowledge and informatoin sharing. I worked in a super market as well. It's an industry leader, but I too was shocked about the amount of waste. It just can' be helped. I have completely changed my outlook on food over the past couple years and now firmly believe if we become reconnected as a species, we can grow our own fruits/produce for everyone. We can be self sustainable and waste free on our beautiful abundant planet. Much love brother, I will follow you :) Namaste

Thank you for your feedback, yes we can definitely grow all the food we need and 100% self sufficient, bit this is not how they want us to live, they are even making it illegal to grow your own food in some parts of the world, they are even trying to patent foods so they become property of big companies.


Brother we need to rise above with love. Positivity and loving kindness will prevail. We will restore connection and balance :)

I am aware of this going on in the US for at least the last 35 years. People go dumpster diving and get some of it, but sometimes the dumpsters are locked.

It's a bit of a catch 22 in that if the company gave it away after the expiration date and someone got sick, they could be held responsible. There are so many things done for that reason. After all, McDonald's and every other business that sells coffee now has to put a warning on the cup that the coffee is hot. Duh

Yes this is such a shame that the whole world seems to be suing one another.
There should a weaver you could sign if you accept the food that way the companies can't get sued.
Thanks for the feedback @aboutyourbiz

Yeah there are YouTube web sites on dumpster diving! Love it!

Good for you! A great dream and also, thanks for showing us what goes on behind the scene.
I won't eat grapes anymore after I learned how they are handled in distribution- chemical after chemical to ripen them, and let's not mention the posionous spiders among them.

Yeah, you are right, the chemicals used are giving everyone cancer. time to take action and grow our own :) thanks for the feedback

I look forward to seeing the transformation of your life, growing your own food and being the change that you want. Best of luck to you and your family. Followed you for the future posts.

Thank you @wakeupsheeps, we are too looking forward to our new life. thanks for the follow. followed back :)

I look forward to reading about it, be well.

I don't agree with the point you have about throwing the food away. You see - a business first and foremost is about making money. A business has to answer also to its shareholders and investors. A business is not a charitable organization and it shouldn't be expected to do charitable work.

When people start getting things for free it will attract more people. More people will claim to be "poor" just to get the food that would have been thrown out. The new "poor" might have been paying customers if the company hadn't offered the food for free.

You have to look at both sides of the coin. You're putting across your view of an ideal world which is an impossibility - that's why I'm giving you the point of view of a realist.

You are entitled to your opinion, and thank you for not agreeing with me, it's refreshing to get a reaction like this. Of course I think your argument sucks, to base your argument on profit is what's wrong with the human race, but that's just my opinion :) I know my opinion sucks too sometimes :)

;) oh my god... A lefty that considers the opposite side of the argument without just yelling "You Bigot"! You're a first!!! Thanks for the up-vote - we need more people willing to have dialog!

My gf works for a grocery store here in Denver.. the reason they throw everything away is because people are sue happy... the grocery store can't be paying out claims you people who got free food and claim they got sick from it. Cheaper to just throw it away. #sadbuttrue

Yes I do understand in some countries this is the case, but not in Sweden, it just doesn't happen here, 10yrs ago when I moved to Sweden I went to McDonald's, the burger I got was pink in the middle. I went back and she gave me another one and I said "is that it, don't I get any apology or any free food" she looked at me and said "NO" so I said "well then maybe I should sue" she laughed at me and said "go on then"
I was stunned but at the same time I really enjoyed it. A country where people don't sue :)

Great post! So how,s your industry experience! @fkofficials

Could not agree more that this is one of many big issues with our food system. The scale of the problem is also huge! Another subject that gets me is food packaging, it should be made illegal to package our food in non-recyclable material.

Yes the packaging is ridiculous, so much plastic, and it's all filled with gas to keep the food fresh.

I know right!!? I'm glad other people are aware of this, but actually making anything change is the hard part!

I thought they reuse bad food as a bio fuel. But it seems they just throw food away cause it is cheaper than transport it to the bio fuel factories.

I am not sure to be honest, the thing is all the food I see getting thrown is fine.

Please give your dear friend collete a box of fresh young coconuts.


Really, get young fresh coconuts into her hands immediatly. I want to help before I am damned for all the suffering I could have prevented

In my city in Canada we are trying to do better. The produce and packaged items are sent to our soup kitchens and homeless shelters and I can get produce within a couple days of expiry for 50% off. It all goes into my food dehydrator which extends it's eatable life 6 to 12 months.

I am happy to hear this and now other stories of change, this gives me hope.
Thank you @boodles17

great read, thanks for sharing. what has made you get put off by eggs and meat? Hope to hear more adventures in you're travels

If you miss it I will link it to you ;)Thank you @ontrack, in my third post about exposing the food industry I will tell all :)

It's starting to change though. In Germany, and I believe Austria too, there are small projects where stores can donate food. Can't remember the names of these projects sadly.

This is great because change is needed :)
It makes me happy to hear this thank you

good topic, thank you for sharing

Your welcome

Hello and thank you for sharing your knowledge

So much yes to this whole video! And this is one of the biggest reasons why I homestead and only shop locally when I can. Great post! And thank you!

That's great that you are aware and trying your best to not give these people your money, the more people like you in this world the less power they have. :)
Thank you @artedellavita

It is easy to turn a blind eye hoping it doesn't affect us, but it does, deeply and surely. Your post and your daring video are a real eye opener @markwhittam. And if you are bringing more such info for us, you're truly undertaking a very daring mission! Good luck!

Thank you @sandzat, I will do my best to catch as much of it as I can on film or pics, some of the stuff I see really puts you off certain types of foods.

In my country, the Netherlands they claim they use it for bio fuel but I dont believe a thing the state tries to sell me.
I do know that some of the over the date food goes to the "Food Bank".
Its a place for people with a very low income.
They can go there and pick up some but even there is fraud.
People who can afford to buy food go there and swindle the needy who really need it. So sickening....

Our sick system thinks if they give that food away for free that person is not buying it. So a loss of MONEY... oh man...
I do confront supermarket managers about it and many do not like it but still use the food poisoning excuse.

It's so sad that the world is run for profit only, they can keep pretending it's so people don't get food poisoning but they are not fooling me or you or most of the people on steemit.
It really hurts, I know what it's like to be really hungry and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

I think it's despicable that food is wasted like this. Look into Permaculture when you get your land. Good LUCK!

Hey @markwhittam , would love to offer you a slot on my podcast sometime.

It is about people doing remarkable things, whether entrepreneurs or not.
Where we talk about what you are doing, believe in and what difference you are making in the world.
It is part youtube channel where the mission is to help 1,000,000 entrepreneurs become remarkable, and the podcast acts as a way to share stories and connect with people.

Here is the playlist of the existing episodes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5CpCNPna6p95oJfKPew0N3ZT0k-khdgg

It is audio only over skype. Would love you to come on the show and talk about yourself. Does this sound of interest to you?

I think the reason they don't give the food away is if someone got sick from eating it they could sue the supermarket and being out of date they don't want to take the chance.

The first picture is beautiful

seems to me if the food is tossed then it can no longer be considered theft...one great problems is governments set laws to protect people that in turn don't allow for proper distribution of past dated food to be given to others....it also amazes me that I've seen videos of people arrested in parks for giving free food to the homeless...what kind of world do we live in....??

We need more public spaces used for fruit trees and local public gardens...not sure it is possible since people don't seem to work well together anymore in their neighborhoods...culture needs to change...

I've always liked the concept of the truck farm where people go and pick vegetables and fruit for themselves....

Need more cooperation to fight true food security for all...

Yes it is hard to believe, even after eight years of seeing this it still gets me angry.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us :)