What are the sports massage horse benefits?
Horses that are regularly burdened and in training can suffer from muscle pain and other complaints. In sports massage, the aim is to reduce muscle pain and to detect injuries and, as far as possible, to treat them. A good sports massage also increases the agility and mobility of horses and ponies.
How does a good sports massage for horses come about?
If a trained horse masseur gives a massage, it will never be started. A good sports massage can only be achieved on the basis of a treatment plan. That is, a plan that the horse masseur establishes before the massage treatments start. Thorough intake and analysis by the horse masseur are the basis on which a treatment plan is made. A good look at the condition of the horse, the body and the movement are observed and checked for injuries or other injuries. It is good to know that a trained horse masseur will never treat a horse or pony that has been found to have a serious injury or other injury.
What is the purpose of a good sports massage?
Every horse and every pony is different. This means that the goal of sports massage can vary per situation. But below are a few things on which the sports massage for horses can focus.
Reduce (muscle) pain because waste products are drained faster
A good massage can increase recovery processes
Increase mobility of the horse or the pony
Increase body awareness of the horse
Let the horse or pony relax better
With a regular horse massage you can find pain, discomfort and injuries sooner and thus prevent them from getting worse